Document Type



Virginia Institute of Marine Science

Publication Date



Cool weather and two northeast storms, in April and May, are believed by Rappahannock River crab fishermen and shedders to have caused a three to four week delay in crabs reaching the early peeler stages of development. Fishermen are still setting crab pound nets (=peeler traps, fykes). Fishermen recall that prior to 12-15 years ago the first "run" of peeler crabs occurred on the full moon of late April or early May. Recently the "runs" have been later, but never as late as this year.


Crab fishery, blue crabs, anecdotal observations, Franklin Haywood, E.J. Conrad and Sons Seafood Company, Elliott Hutchings, Beach Creek Crab Company, William Lundin, Dave Gibbons, Ed Lumpkin, Gloucester Point Sporting Goods

Publication Statement

Unpublished manuscript.



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