"Control of Mud Blister Formation in Oysters" by Dennis K. Gryder

Document Type



Virginia Institute of Marine Science

VIMS Department/Program

Marine Advisory Program (MAP)

Publication Date



Fishery Resource Grant FRG 2000-05


Oyster aquaculture, both commercial and recreational, continues to elicit interest, despite ongoing disease problems. One strategy for growing oysters in the presence of oyster diseases is to utilize off-bottom technology in order to "out-grow" the pathogens. It's acknowledged that oysters grown off-bottom grow quickly, but tend to have thinner, more brittle shells than those grown on-bottom. Due to the increased expenses of equipment and handling associated with growing oysters off-bottom, most oysters grown commercial in this manner are destined for the more lucrative half-shell market. In order to command higher prices, besides having a good flavor, half-shell oysters need to be visually appealing to the customer.


Oyster aquaculture



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