Alternative Title

Anadromous Fish Project

Document Type



Virginia Institute of Marine Science

Publication Date



Scales were collected from alewife, blueback, American shad and hickory shad in each tidal river system in Virginia at weekly intervals. Analysis is underway to determine age composition and mortality rates of the stocks. Catch rates of river herring indicate that the fishery is in satisfactory condition. Catch by pound nets was estimated to be 4.1 million pounds of river herring and 204,000 pounds of shad in the Rappahannock River. In the York River, pound nets caught a minimum of 159,000 pounds of river herring and 36,000 pounds of shad and stake gill nets caught an estimated 238,000 pounds of shad. Fishes of the genus Alosa spawned in the York River System from the vicinity of West Point (mile 30) upstream at least to the head of tidal flow. Young remained in fresh water through the summer in the York and Rappahannock System.



Alosa -- Virginia, Anadromous fishes -- Virginia, Atlantic herring fisheries -- Virginia, Shad fisheries -- Virgini



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