Document Type



Virginia Institute of Marine Science

Publication Date



In an earlier report (Boon, 1998), findings were presented from a wave modeling study whose purpose was to investigate the effects of sand mining on the nearshore wave regime at Sandbridge, Virginia (Fig . 1). Using a phase-resolving spectral wave model, REF/DIF S (Kirby and Ozkan, 1992), a representative set of hypothetical storm waves was propagated across a 20 km section of the inner shelf from approximately the 20 m depth contour offshore to the 11 m depth contour inshore . Subsequent simulations were then made that tested local effects of shoaling and refraction on wave heights within a fine-scale subgrid extending from Sandbridge Shoal near the 10 m depth contour to the surf zone immediately in front of Sand bridge (Fig. 1 ).

Two test cases were used:

Case 1 - Existing bottom configuration based on pre-1998 charted depths,

Case 2- Bottom with uniform removal of bed material to a depth of3 meters below grade within a designated borrow area on Sandbridge Shoal .


Dredging -- Environmental aspects -- Virginia -- Sandbridge Beach, Ocean waves -- Virginia -- Sandbridge Beach

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Oceanography Commons



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