Document Type
Virginia Institute of Marine Science
Publication Date
- Characterization and comparison of surface and sub-surface sediments in the nearshore: Outer Banks, North Carolina, USA (Katherine Korotky) ;
- Physical versus biological controls on seabed erodibility in a muddy, partially mixed estuary (Emilee Mroz) ;
- Comparison of shallow and deep-water wave models in the York River, Virginia (Cara Babineaux) ;
- Measuring the effects of decomposition of a macroalgal bloom on sediment metabolism (Carolina Funkey) ;
- Potential environmental controls on Anopheles spp. larval abundances in created wetlands (Adrienne Wiggins) ;
- Migration rates of invertebrate grazers in eelgrass (Zostera marina) beds: variation with species, time, and distance among patches (Philip Matich) ;
- Development of a chemoattraction assay to study the relationship of Pfiesteria and fish kills (Barbara Salgado Torres) ;
- Counting and identifying gelatinous zooplankton using side-scan sonar attached to an autonomous underwater vehicle (David James) ;
- Emigration of wild and hatchery-reared blue crab, Callinectes sapidus, from a salt marsh nursery cove (Sara Tappan) ;
- Diet of the juvenile blue crab, Callinectes sapidus, in shallow-water nurseries in response to large-scale variations in benthic communities (Miranda Westphal) ;
- The effects of habitat degradation of the diets of estuarine benthivoric nekton (Andria Salas) ;
- Measuring the success of raccoon predation on diamondback terrapin (Malaclemys terrapin) nests (Daniel Nally)
Funded by the National Science Foundation
Recommended Citation
Virginia Institute of Marine Science. (2006) Virginia Institute of Marine Science Research Experiences for Undergraduates program : Final research papers 2006. Virginia Institute of Marine Science, William & Mary.