"Lower James River pollution study, City Point to Chickahominy, August " by William H. Massman and Ernest C. Ladd

Document Type



Virginia Institute of Marine Science

Publication Date



Hopewell,m Virginia.is ·a highly industrialized city, the Celanese Corporation of .America, the Continental Can Company, the Hercules Powder Company and the Solvay Process: Division of· Allied Chemical and Dye Corporation having plants there. All of these plants have industrial and human wastes, the combined amount of which is great from. the standpoint of both volume and strength. In addition, there. are human wastes from the City cf Hopewell and its suburbs in Prince George County and from Camp Lee. All of those wastes, sewage and industrial are discharged into the James River, Bailey Creek and into other tributaries of the two. Primary treatment is given the wastes at Camp Lee; the others are discharged untreated. The location of all discharges in the Hopewell vicinity are shown in Figure I.

With the exception of Bailey Creek, the impact of these wastes on the streams they enter was largely unknown, prior to this study. For many years Bailey Creek has been organized as an open sewer. Following passage of the Virginia. State Water Control -Law in 1946, the Hopewell industries all began programs leading to reduction of wastes they discharged. In order for them to determine the extent to which such reductions must ultimately be carried, it soon became apparent that information was needed regarding the effect of their wastes on the James River.

During: the summer of 1951::the Hopowell industries, through the Hopewell Manufactures Association requested.the Water·Control Board's help in making a study of the stream in the· Hopewell vicinity in an attempt to answer this question. The Board's staff agreed to lend such assistance as was possible, and the initial phases of such a study were completed during the period ·August 6 - September 6, 1951.


Report of Dr. Charles M. Weiss on samples of plankton, algae, and bottom organisms Report of Virginia Fisheries Laboratory on fish sampling, by W. H. Massmann and E. C. Ladd.




Water -- Pollution -- Virginia -- James River, Fishes -- Virginia -- James River



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