Document Type
Virginia Institute of Marine Science
Publication Date
The Yorktown Public Beach is located on the south side of the York River at Yorktown,Virginia (Figure 1). Recently, it has undergone dramatic transformation with the construction of floating piers, upscale restaurants and shops, parking garage, and additional shore management structures. The main recreational beach is now about 1,600 feet in length. A new section of beach and breakwaters is located upstream of the main recreational shore; this project area is 1,500 ft long which includes property owned by the Waterman’s Museum. The middle section of the shoreline downriver of the Route 17 Coleman Bridge, where the floating piers are located,was surveyed but is not part of the analysis since little sand occurs in that area.
Yorktown Beach, VA, Shoreline Management, GIS
A report obtained under contract with York County, Virginia
Recommended Citation
Milligan, D. A., Hardaway, C., O'Brien, K., & Wilcox, C. A. (2006) State of Yorktown Beach 2006. Virginia Institute of Marine Science, William & Mary.
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Environmental Monitoring Commons, Natural Resources Management and Policy Commons, Sustainability Commons