"A survey of the late summer benthos community in the vicinity of the C" by Robert A. Jordan, Charles E. Sutton et al.

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Virginia Institute of Marine Science

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A survey of the sediment distribution in the vicinity of the C. P. Crane Generating Station, Bengies, Maryland showed that the sediments in the creeks receiving the plant's cooling water discharge were predominantly soft clayey-silt. The benthic invertebrate taxa found in these sediments were typical of the connnunities found in oligohaline waters of Chesapeake Bay. Comparisons of the benthic community in the discharge area with the connnunities in two reference areas of similar sediment type revealed an apparent reduction in the discharge area population of the dominant amphipod, Leptocheirus plumulosus, in August.




Benthos -- Maryland -- Gunpowder River, Electric power-plants -- Environmental aspects -- Maryland



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