"Monitoring Living Marine Resources in the Mid‐Atlantic Bight" by Northeast Area Monitoring & Assessment Program (NEAMAP), Virginia Shark Monitoring & Assessment Program (VASMAP) et al.

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Virginia Institute of Marine Science

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The NEAMAP Mid‐Atlantic/Southern New England (M‐A/SNE) Near Shore Bottom Trawl Survey is a fishery‐independent monitoring program designed to collect information on the late juvenile and adult stages of the majority of the finfish species and several exploited invertebrates inhabiting the coastal ocean of the Mid‐Atlantic Bight Ecological Production Unit (Figure 1). This survey yields indices of relative abundance, expressed in terms of both number and biomass, spatiotemporal distribution, and length‐frequency data for all species collected by the sampling gear.

VASMAP is a research program that focuses on advancing the scientific enterprise associated with juvenile and adult stages of several shark species inhabiting the lower Chesapeake Bay and coastal ocean of the Mid‐Atlantic Bight. Key elements of the program are two fisheries‐independent surveys that are designed to collect information on relative abundance, length‐frequency, sex‐ratio, and other demographic characteristics for shark species encountered.


Reporting Period: July 1 - December 31, 2021.


doi: 10.25773/k5bv-pp81



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