Document Type
Virginia Institute of Marine Science
Publication Date
The Virginia Institute of Marine Science has conducted a monitoring program of the juvenile finfish in the Chesapeake Bay tributary rivers of Virginia since 1955, the striped bass spawning rivers since 1967 and the main stem Chesapeake Bay since 1988. These data are used to develop juvenile indices for several recreationally important species including spot, croaker, summer flounder, weakfish, black seabass and striped bass. The indices are important as both an index of recruitment success and effectiveness of management actions and are used in interstate Fishery Management Plans (FMP's) by the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission (ASMFC) and the Chesapeake Bay FMP's developed by the Chesapeake Executive Committee. This focus on the Bay and its tributaries largely ignores the eastern shore of Virginia ( both the Bayside creeks and the seaside lagoons) and the ocean beaches. Preliminary late summer data (1993) as well as studies by Richards and Castagna (1970) and Norcross and Hata (1990) indicate that several recreationally and ecologically important species are more abundant here than within the bay and thus may be under represented in our historical collections. (...)
Bluefish -- Virginia
Recommended Citation
Seaver, D. M., & Austin, H. M. (1995) Monitoring juvenile fishes in the surf-zone of Virginia, and development of a juvenile bluefish young-of-the-year index in Virginia : 1994 sampling season. Virginia Institute of Marine Science, William & Mary.