Document Type
Virginia Institute of Marine Science
Publication Date
Translation series (Virginia Institute of Marine Science) ; no. 30
During the last 40 yr (1940 to 1980), Soviet helminthologists have examined about 9,680 specimens of marine mammals In the Northern and Southern Hemispheres, using uniform or standard methods In most cases. As a result, 20 new species of trematodes [digeneids], 19 cestodes, 9 acanthocephalans, and 23 nematodes have been described. Also several new supraspecific taxa have been established. Systematic revisions of Campuidae, Tetrabothriidae, Pseudallidae, and Anisakidae have been undertaken. The morphology, adaptation of helminths to their environments and to the host's mode of life, Infection rates and characteristics, and the seasonal and age dynamics of the helmlnthofauna have been studied. Methods of distinguishing host populations using quantitative and qualitative differences as well as the geographic variability of the helmlnthofauna have been developed. Consequently local stocks of mammals have been revealed, as has the pathogenicity of several helminth species. All of these data have been summarized from ecological, zoogeographical, and phylogenetic points of view. Results of these studies are now employed by zoologists Interested In sea mammals.
Part of Parasitology and Pathology of Marine Organisms of the World Ocean. NOAA Technical Report NMFS 25 (1985). Translated by W.J. Hargis, Jr.
Helminths. Host-parasite relationships.
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Recommended Citation
Delamure, S. L., & Skriabin, A. S. (1985) Achievements of Soviet scientists in investigations of the helminthofauna of marine animals of the world ocean. Translation series (Virginia Institute of Marine Science) ; no. 30. Virginia Institute of Marine Science, William & Mary.