Document Type



Virginia Institute of Marine Science

VIMS Department/Program

Marine Advisory Program (MAP)

Publication Date



VIMS Marine Resource Report No. 2024-3


Two bycatch reduction methods were tested on a sea scallop dredge to investigate their effects on bycatch reduction. SafetyNet Technologies Pisces light technology and a 6 inch square mesh escape panel installed in the twine top were tested. White, green and blue light colors, two flash rates and two brightness levels for the Pisces lights were tested. The Pisces lights were tested on the bale bar as well as with the experimental and commercially used twine tops. A two row escape panel was tested in the center and the trailing edge of the twine top. Pisces lights reduced the catch of flatfish, but there was no effect of color, flash rate or brightness level. The escape panel located at the trailing edge of the twine top has the largest reduction in flatfish catch. The reduction in catch of other bycatch species was minimal.


Award Number: NA21NMF4540012



Sea scallop, Bycatch reduction


NOAA Sea Scallop Research Set Aside Program



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