"Status of the Public Oyster Resource of Virginia - Fall 1992" by Bruce J. Barber https://doi.org/10.21220/V5ZK66">

Document Type



Virginia Institute of Marine Science

Publication Date



Virginia Marine Resource Report No. 92-6


oysters have been harvested from Virginia waters as long as humans have i):'lhabited the area. Depletion of natural stocks in the late 1880's led to the establishment of regulations by public fisheries agencies. A survey of bottom areas in which oysters grew naturally was completed in 1896 under the direction of Lt. Baylor, USN. These areas (over 243,000 acres) were set aside by legislative action for public use and have come to be known as the Baylor survey Grounds or Public oyster Grounds of Virginia, and are presently administered by the Virginia Marine Resources commission (VMRC). Twice a year the Virginia Institute of Marine Science (VIMS) conducts a survey of selected public oyster bars (shoals) in Virginia waters for the purpose of assessing the status of the resource. surveys conducted in the spring provide information about over-winter mortality and relative fishing pressure from the current harvesting season1 • Surveys conducted in the fall provide information about spatfall or recruitment, summer (disease) mortality, and the status of each shoal as a source of seed or market oysters prior to the beginning of the harvesting season. This report summarizes the findings of the Fall 1992 oyster Shoal Survey, conducted between 28 September and 10 October, 1992.


Oyster fisheries--Chesapeake Bay (Va.), Oyster--Monitoring, Oyster fisheries--Virginia, Oysters--Chesapeake Bay (Va.)



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