"Status of the Major Oyster Diseases in Virginia 2001 A Summary of the " by Lisa M. Ragone Calvo and Eugene M. Burreson

Document Type



Virginia Institute of Marine Science

Publication Date



Marine Resource Report 2002-01


Thirty-nine oyster populations were surveyed for disease in fall 2001. Perkinsus marinus was found in all areas sampled and prevalence exceeded 90% at all but 5 sample locations. In the James River P. marinus prevalence ranged from 88-100% at Deepwater Shoal, Horsehead Rock, Point of Shoals, Wreck Shoal, Mulberry Point, Swash, Long Shoal, and Dry Shoal. A lower prevalence was observed down river at Thomas Rock, 72%, and at Nansemond Ridge, 12%. The extremely low prevalence at Nansemond Ridge is likely age and density related; the oyster population was primarily comprised of spat; few small to market oysters were present at the site in October 2001.




American Oyster Diseaeses, Virginia, Chesapeake Bay



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