Applied Science Faculty Work | Applied Science | William & Mary


Submissions from 2009


Medium modifications of the bound nucleon GPDs and incoherent DVCS on nuclear targets, V. Guzey, K. Tsushima, A. W. Thomas, and K. Tsushima


Reduction of Calcium Release Site Models via Fast/Slow Analysis and Iterative Aggregation/Disaggregation, Yan Hao, Peter Kemper, and Gregory D. Smith


A Population Density Model of the Driven LGN/PGN, Marco A. Huertas and Gregory D. Smith


Ultrafast quasi-particle dynamics of charge/orbital ordered and ferromagnetic clusters in La0.7Ca0.3MnO3, Y. H. Ren, M. Ebrahim, Z. A. Xu, and G. Luepke


The Capacity for Multistability in Small Gene Regulatory Networks, Dan Siegal-Gaskins, Erich Grotewold, and Gregory D. Smith


Mild sonochemical exfoliation of bromine-intercalated graphite: a new route towards graphene, E. Widenkvist, J. Lu, U. Jansson, and R. A. Quinlan

Submissions from 2008


Oscillation Regularity in Noise-Driven Excitable Systems with Multi-Time-Scale Adaptation, William H. Nesse, Christopher A. Del Negro, and Paul C. Bressloff

Submissions from 2006


Thermal Desorption of Hydrogen from Carbon Nanosheets, X. Zhao, R. A. Outlaw, J. J. Wang, M. Y. Zhu, Gregory D. Smith, and B. C. Holloway

Submissions from 2002


Detectability of Excitatory versus Inhibitory Drive in an Integrate-and-Fire-or-Burst Thalamocortical Relay Neuron Model, Gregory D. Smith and S. M. Sherman

Submissions from 2001


Mode Locking in a Periodically Forced Integrate-and-Fire-or-Burst Neuron Model, S. Coombes, R. Owen, and Gregory D. Smith


Asymptotic Analysis of Buffered Calcium Diffusion near a Point Source, Arthur Sherman, Gregory D. Smith, Longxiang Dai, and Robert M. Miura