Theses/Dissertations from 2024
Contributions Of The Persistent Sodium And M-Type Potassium Currents In The Prebötzinger Complex For Breathing Rhythm Generation, Carlos Aparecido da Silva Junior
Advancing Infrastructure And Environmental Monitoring With Deep Learning And Satellite Imagery, Zhonghui Lv
Theses/Dissertations from 2023
Direct Measurements Of Interfacial Interactions Of 2D Materials, Walakulage Dona Avishi Shavindya Abeywickrama
Investigation Of Reversibly Assembling Materials Using Force Spectroscopy, Samantha Ivanna Applin
Where's My Data? Geospatial Techniques For Mapping And Monitoring Administrative Boundaries, Karim Bahgat
The Origins Of Inspiratory And Sigh Breathing Rhythms: Ion Channels, Bursting Mechanisms, And Synaptic Topologies Studied In Vitro And In Silico, Cameron J. Grover
Analysis Of Calcium Activity During Early Neural Development, Sudip Paudel
Structure, Formation, And Mechanics Of Nanofibrillar Spider Silk, Omaththage Dinidu Prabhath Nissanka Perera
Tape-Based Structural Metamaterials, Benjamin Henry Skopic
Theses/Dissertations from 2022
Cellular And Synaptic Mechanisms That Underlie Eupnea And Sigh Rhythms For Breathing Behavior In Mice, Daniel Scott Borrus
Deep Learning From Space: Methods & Applications In High-Resolution Satellite Imagery Analysis, Ethan Brewer
Uncovering Information Operations On Twitter Using Natural Language Processing And The Dynamic Wavelet Fingerprint, Spencer Lee Kirn
Orexin Receptor Antagonism And Schizophrenia: Addressing Attentional Impairment In An NMDA Receptor Hypofunction Model Of Psychosis, Eden Blake-Lea Maness
Characterization Of Wireless Communications Networks Using Machine Learning And 3D Electromagnetic Wave Propagation Simulations, Margaret Mary Rooney
Metal-Ion Binding In The Antimicrobial Peptides Piscidins 1 And 3: Insights Into The Molecular Structures Of Metallopeptides And Their Mechanisms Of Membrane Disruption, Mary Therese Rooney
Theses/Dissertations from 2021
Physiological And Transcriptomic Analyses Of Inspiratory Rhythm- And Pattern- Generating Interneurons Of The Prebötzinger Complex In Mice, Prajkta Shashikant Kallurkar
Theses/Dissertations from 2020
Boron Nitride Nanotubes (Bnnts) For Thermal Management And Structural Reinforcement, Mahmoud Samy Mohamed Fahmy Amin
Growth And Properties Of Vapor Diffused Nb3Sn Coating For Superconducting Radiofrequency Accelerator Cavity Applications, Uttar Last Pudasaini
Nanofibrils As The Basic Building Blocks Of Spider Silk, Qijue Wang
Theses/Dissertations from 2019
Controlling Infectious Disease: Prevention and Intervention Through Multiscale Models, Adrienna N. Bingham
Additive Manufacturing of Nanomaterial Based Hierarchical Structures, John Michael Gardner
Optical Characterization of Dynamic Exchange Coupling Interaction in Ferromagnetic Heterostructures, Xiao Liu
Evolution of the genome-wide distribution of genes and transposons, Ronald Dutilh Smith
Optimization Approaches for Open-Locating Dominating Sets, Daniel Blair Sweigart
Global Shipping Container Monitoring Using Machine Learning with Multi-Sensor Hubs and Catadioptric Imaging, Victor Esteban Trujillo
Computational Graphics and Statistical Analysis: Mixed Type Random Variables, Confidence Regions, and Golden Quantile Rank Sets, Christopher Weld
Investigation of Pattern Formation in Marine Environments Through Mathematical Modeling and Analysis of Remotely Sensed Data, Sofya Zaytseva
Theses/Dissertations from 2017
Surface Modification of Synthetic and Natural Polymers using Deep Uv (172 Nm) Irradiation, Lopamudra Das
Vertically Oriented Graphene Electric Double Layer Capacitors, Dilshan V. Premathilake
Role of Dbx1-Derived Pre-Bötzinger Complex Interneurons in Breathing Behaviors of Adult Mice, Nikolas C. Vann
Theses/Dissertations from 2016
Characterization of Interfacial Interactions By Functionalized Afm Probes, Laura Rickard Dickinson
Optical Characterization of Interface Magnetization in Multifunctional Oxide Heterostructures, Fan Fang
Molecular and Performance Properties of Poly(Amides & Imides) and the Use of Graphene Oxide Nano-Particles for Improvement, John-andrew Samuel Hocker
The Thin Ribbon Silk of the Brown Recluse Spider: Structure, Mechanical Behavior, and Biomimicry, Sean Robert Koebley
Developmental, Physiological, and Transcriptomic Analyses of Neurons involved in the Generation of Mammalian Breathing, andrew Kottick
Matrix Results and Techniques in Quantum Information Science and Related Topics, Diane Christine Pelejo
Studies of Respiratory Rhythm Generation Maintained in Organotypic Slice Cultures, Wiktor Samuel Phillips
Theses/Dissertations from 2015
Dynamic social networks with beneficial and detrimental interactions, Shadrack Adu Antwi
Spread and interaction of epidemics and information on adaptive social networks, Yunhan Long
Optical characterization of ferromagnetic and multiferroic thin-film heterostructures, Xin Ma
Surface polishing of niobium for superconducting radio frequency (SRF) cavity application, Liang Zhao
Theses/Dissertations from 2014
Use of Pattern Classification Algorithms to Interpret Passive and Active Data Streams from a Walking-Speed Robotic Sensor Platform, Eric Allen Dieckman
Exploring a Novel Approach to Technical Nuclear Forensics Utilizing Atomic Force Microscopy, Richard Scot Peeke
Superconducting Thin Films for SRF Cavity Applications: A Route to Higher Field Gradient Linacs, Wiliam Michael Roach
Magneto-Optics and Magneto-Transport Studies on Thin Films for Sensor Applications, Kaida Yang
Nonlinear Optical Studies of Photoelastic Effect and Magneto-Plasmonics, Wei Zheng
Theses/Dissertations from 2013
Nanoscale Mechanical Characterization of Graphene/Polymer Nanocomposites using Atomic Force Microscopy., Minzhen Cai
Optical Characterization of Magnetism in Magnetic/Nonmagnetic Heterostructures, Yichun Fan
Intelligent Feature Selection Techniques for Pattern Classification of Time-Domain Signals, Corey Alexander Miller
Studies of Molecular Dynamics of Fmoc-Alanine-d3 through Solid State Deuteron Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, Jianhua Sun
Epidemic models on adaptive networks with network structure constraints, Ilker Tunc
Theses/Dissertations from 2012
Automated Reductions of Markov Chain Models of Calcium Release Site Models, Yan Hao
Physiological and Morphological Characterization of Genetically Defined Classes of Interneurons in Respiratory Rhythm and Pattern Generation in Neonatal Mice, Maria Cristina De Guzman Picardo
Thermochemistry of Amino Acids and Constrained Diamines, Erica Jane Tullo
Morphological Study of Dbx1+ Respiratory Rhythm-Generating Neurons in PreBoetzinger Complex in Neonatal Mice, Krishanthi Tharanga Harshani Weragalaarachchi
Surface Impedance of Superconducting Radio Frequency (SRF) Materials, Binping Xiao
Theses/Dissertations from 2011
Enhanced Field Emission from Vertically Oriented Graphene by Thin Solid Film Coatings, Michael Bagge-Hansen
Investigation of Ultrasonic Wave Scattering Effects using Computational Methods, Cara Ann Campbell Leckey
Characterization of PA-11 Flexible Liner Aging in the Laboratory and in Field Environments Throughout the World, Arthur Jaeton Mitman Glover
Theses/Dissertations from 2010
Acoustics of anthropogenic habitats: The impact of noise pollution on eastern bluebirds, Caitlin Rebecca Kight
The logarithmic method and the solution to the TP2-completion problem, Shahla Nasserasr
Theses/Dissertations from 2009
Computational applications in stochastic operations research, William H. Kaczynski
A Bayesian network approach to feature selection in mass spectrometry data, Karl W. Kuschner
The functionalization of carbon nanosheets, Ronald A. Quinlan
Calculation of Equilibrants for Semipositive Matrices, Zheng Tong
Theses/Dissertations from 2008
Ultrasonic guided wave interpretation for structural health inspections, Jill Paisley Bingham
Markov chain models of instantaneously coupled intracellular calcium channels, Hilary DeRemigio
Classification of non-heat generating outdoor objects in thermal scenes for autonomous robots, William L. Fehlman
Markov chain models of calcium puffs and sparks, Jeffrey R. Groff
Synthesis and field emission properties of carbon nanostructures, Kun Hou
Mechanisms underlying inspiratory burst generation in preBotzinger complex neurons of neonatal mice, Ryland Weed Pace
A versatile imaging system for in vivo small animal research, Jianguo Qian
Surface study of niobium for superconducting radio frequency (SRF) accelerators, Hui Tian
Probability density methods for modeling local and global aspects of intracellular calcium signaling, G. S. Blair Williams
Theses/Dissertations from 2007
Phenotypic properties and intrinsic currents of neurons involved in the neural generation of mammalian breathing, John A. Hayes
Magneto-Optical Imaging of Superconducting MgB2 Thin Films, Stephanie Maria Hummert
Magnetization Dynamics and Anisotropy in Ferromagnetic/Antiferromagnetic Ni/NiO Bilayers, andreas Petersen
Parallel three-dimensional acoustic and elastic wave simulation methods with applications in nondestructive evaluation, Kevin Edward Rudd
Spatial beam shaping of high-power ultrashort laser pulses, Shuyan Zhang
Theses/Dissertations from 2006
Time-Resolved Magneto-Optical Imaging of Superconducting YBCO Thin Films in the High-Frequency AC Current Regime, Alexander Frey
Studies of energy recovery linacs at Jefferson laboratory: 1 GeV demonstration of energy recovery at CEBAF and studies of the multibunch, multipass beam breakup instability in the 10 kW FEL upgrade driver, Christopher D. Tennant
Silicon oxynitride: A field emission suppression coating, Nimel D. Theodore
UV cure kinetics of dimethacrylate thin and thick samples, Yuemei Zhang
Optical characterization of ferromagnetic heterostructure *interfaces and thin films, Haibin Zhao
Field emission study of carbon nanostructures, Xin Zhao
Theses/Dissertations from 2005
Electron stimulated desorption of hydronium ions from chromium oxide surfaces, Charles Randal Cole
Sonar sensor interpretation for ectogeneous robots, Wen Gao