Applied Research Reports
Publications resulting from CCRM’s research related to a variety of coastal topics. These reports are designed for practical application by investigating problems and recommending solutions for coastal resource managers and policy makers.
Submissions from 2001
Ecological Characterization of Stormwater Detention Ponds in Virginia's Coastal Plain, Rebecca Jo Thomas and Carl H. Hershner
Submissions from 2000
State of the York Watershed 2000, Center for Coastal Resources Management, Virginia Institute of Marine Science
Rapidan River watershed riparian restoration assessment, Friends of the Rappahannock and Center for Coastal Resources Management, Virginia Institute of Marine Science
Answering local wetlands boards needs regarding guidance in investigating wetlands violations : final report to the United States Environmental Protection Agency, Wetlands Protection State Development Project Period July 1, 1998-June 30, 2000, Kirk J. Havens and Bartlett N. Theberge
Increasing the probability of success in the construction of marshes in coastal Virginia, Kirk J. Havens and Lyle M. Varnell
Submissions from 1999
Shallow Water Resource Use Conflicts: Clam Aquaculture and Submerged Aquatic Vegetation, Center for Coastal Resources Management, Virginia Institute of Marine Science
Increasing the probability of success in restored forested wetlands, Kirk J. Havens and Gene Silberhorn
Submissions from 1996
The Use of Thermal Imagery in the Aerial Survey of Panthers (and other animals) in the Florida Panther National Wildlife Refuge and the Big Cypress National Preserve, Kirk J. Havens and Edward Sharp
Virginia Wetlands Management Handbook 2nd Edition, Wetlands Program, Virginia Institute of Marine Science and Thomas A. Barnard
Submissions from 1995
An Economic Analysis of The York River Basin, Kathy Corish, Marcia Berman, and Carlton Hershner
Critical elements in the application of water quality standards to wetlands : classification system, beneficial use designation and the identification of exceptional wetlands, Pamela A. Mason; Carl H. Hershner; and Virginia Institute of Marine Science. Department of Resource Management and Policy, Wetlands Program
Submissions from 1994
Submissions from 1993
Development of "No Discharge" Zones in Virginia Tidal Waters Phase I, Center for Coastal Resources Management, Virginia Institute of Marine Science
The Progression of "No Discharge Zone" Status in Water Bodies Across the Continental United States, Melissa Chaun
Wetlands guidelines, Department of Wetlands Ecology, Virginia Institute of Marine Science and Habitat Management Division, Virginia Marine Resources Commission
Submissions from 1992
An Assessment of Wildlife Utilization between a Man-made Marsh, an Adjacent Natural Marsh, and a Nearby Natural Marsh in Virginia, Kirk J. Havens, Lyle M. Varnell, and Julie G. Bradshaw