Honors Theses from 2024
Ceramics of Chthonic Cults: A Comparative Analysis of Pottery from Mediterranean Chthonic Sanctuaries, Julia Bowers
Priestesshoods as Expressions of Civic Identity, Isabella Kershner
Pompeiian Mill-Bakeries: Spatial Organization and Social Interaction, Madeleine Rubin
A God For All Places: Experiencing a Localized Mithraism, Ian Wilson
Honors Theses from 2023
Sing of Arms and Disobedience: Reading Vergil's Aeneid in Milton's Paradise Lost, Brooke Braden
The Cult of the Nymphs: Identity, Ritual, and Womanhood in Ancient Greece, Ivana Genov
The Realities of Rape: Understanding the Foundations of a Woman’s Space in Ancient Greece and Rome, Georgia Thoms
Man, Myth and Medicine: The Exchange of Healing Deities in the Bronze Age Mediterranean, Ryan Vincent
Honors Theses from 2022
The Reception of Diogenes in the Second Sophistic, Meggie Corcoran
Taking Transparent Action: Decolonizing the American Collective Memory of Ancient Greece in the Art Museum, Sydney M. Kennedy
Honors Theses from 2021
Between Italic and Greek: Native Identity and Hybridity in Paestan-Lucanian Tombs, Ashton Rodgers
Female Familial Relationships in Valerius’ Argonautica and Statius’ Thebaid, Sophia Warnement
Honors Theses from 2019
Gardens Beneath the Ash: Contextualizing Naturalistic Imagery within Pompeii's Urban Fabric, Rebecca Marie Gaborek
More Than Mortal: Divine Depictions of Livia in Early Imperial Portraiture and Literature, Lillian Waddill
Written in Stone: SEG XXXIV 1581, its Viewers, and their Perspectives, Robert Yancey
Honors Theses from 2018
A Song of Arms and of the Woman: Confronting Cleopatra in the Augustan Era through the Carmen de Bello Actiaco, Rachel Dubit
Founded Upon Death: A Structural Analysis of Tacitus' Annales, Nicholas Rudman
Honors Theses from 2017
Texisse and Nudare: Sulpicia's Poetics and the Fashioning of Roman Elegy, Abigail Simon
Kalasiris and Charikleia: Mentorship and Intertext in Heliodorus' Aithiopika, Lauren Jordan Wood
Honors Theses from 2016
Homer's Music through Plato's Ears, Dereck Wayne Basinger
Honors Theses from 2015
A Comparative Analysis of Five Greek Fountain Houses, Maura Brennan
Out of Good Fortune: The Economics of Tragedy in the House of Atreus, Victoria J. Jansson
Honors Theses from 2014
A Byzantine Adam: Explicating the Suda's Encomiastic Entry on Adam, John P. Mulhall
Honors Theses from 2013
Looking for Reality in Latin Love Elegy, Brett C. Evans
Honors Theses from 2011
The Bare Necessities: Ascetic Indian Sages in Philostratus' 'Life of Apollonius', Samuel McVane
13 Recommendations for the Teaching of Elementary Latin at the Collegiate Level, Irene Rebecca Morrison-Moncure
Honors Theses from 2010
Shedding Light on Roman Social Life: An Integrative Approach to Domestic Space at Pompeii and Karanis, Megan Elizabeth Shuler