Document Type



Virginia Institute of Marine Science

Publication Date


Spatial Information

United States||York River, VA||370 07 23' N, 0760 09 12'W; 370 13 33' N, 0760 18 28'W; 370 39 12' N, 0760 54 00'W; 370 34 54'N, 0760 59 24'W


Dataset consists of profile and water column burst Data and bottom burst Data collected as part of a 5-hour anchor station survey in support of an Acoustic Doppler Velocimeter (ADV) tripod deployed in nearby location.


During each station in the survey a profile or bottom time series was collected with a suite of instrumentation, including: a YSI 6600 CTD, a Sequoia LISST 100X, RDI 1200 kHz ADCP and a Sontek ADVOcean. The raw Data of profile stations are processed to provide a smooth profile of Data throughout the water column and a series of between 2 to 5 minute bursts from various heights in the water column. Bottom bursts are time series collected when the profiler was resting on the seafloor. Total Suspended Solids (and fixed solids) were sampled from depth to calibrate the acoustic backscatter. The "logbook" is the hand written field notes and instrument setup documents. The "Profiler Set up" is a log of the location and serial number of the instruments mounted on the profiler. The "Consecutive Station Log" is an excel spreadsheet of the metaData associated with each station in the survey. Excel spreadsheet "Averaged Data" contains burst averaged Data and statistics from the water column and bottom bursts. Raw and processed Data from each instrument are zipped in a folder, or series of folders, identified by the type and serial number of the instrument. All times are Eastern Standard Time (EST).



acoustic backscatter, Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler, ADCP, Acoustic Doppler Velocimeter, ADV, conductivity temperature and depth sensor, CTD, Sediment transport, settling velocity, suspended size distribution, LISST, Total Suspended Solids, TSS

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.


York River, Virginia Data Archive


NSF grant OCE-0536572,NSF grant OCE-1061781

LISST100X sn 1239 V20609 with OBS sn 1675 (1434 kB)
LISST data

ADV sn B338 V20360 with G446 (2044 kB)
ADV data

ADCP RDI 1200KHZ sn (2497 kB)
ADCP data

Consecutive Station Log YR080416.xls (22 kB)
Consecutive Station Log

logbook stations 4489-4497.pdf (1216 kB)

CTD YSI6600 sn07B1391 (164 kB)
CTD data (6 kB)
TSS data
