Document Type



Virginia Institute of Marine Science

Publication Date


Spatial Information

36.7to 39.7oN, -77.5 to -75.5oW; Chesapeake Bay, U.S.A.

Data Access

Data files linked below.


This data repository is a permanent archive of the results presented in the associated publication (Turner et al. 2020, Science of the Total Environment, doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.145157).

The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of shoreline erosion on water clarity in the Chesapeake Bay. To this end, we used the Chesapeake Bay ROMS Estuarine Carbon and Biogeochemistry (ChesROMS-ECB), a biogeochemical model embedded in the Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS). Using this model, we simulated a Chesapeake Bay estuary from 2001-2005 with varying magnitudes of sediment inputs from shoreline erosion and varying seabed erodibility conditions. Model results were compared to long-term cruise data from the Chesapeake Bay Program (CBP) ( These cruise data were used to calibrate certain components of the model and to evaluate model skill for the Reference Run. Three model runs are compared in the associated publication.Specifically, a Reference Run was used which most closely matched observed conditions, while a More Shoreline Erosion model run used double the realistic shoreline sediment inputs with a more erodible seabed, and a Highly Armored Shorelines model run used no shoreline erosion sediment inputs and a more stable seabed. The full results of these model runs are described in the associated publication.


This dataset includes the results from the model simulations described in the associated publication (Turner et al. 2021, Science of the Total Environment, doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.145157).

Data included in the present repository consist of model results from each of the three (3) simulations described in the paper.Data are in NetCDF format (extension .nc). Each results file in this archive corresponds to one of the experiments conducted, called,respectively, Reference Run, More Shoreline Erosion, and Highly Armored Shorelines. Additionally, all data used to create figures that illustrate methods, e.g., initial seabed grain size distribution, are included in this archive.

Please see the Methods section of the associated paper for more information on model parametrization and inputs. Additional information about the equations and parameters used in model setup can be found in the Supplementary Information document of the associated publication. Visit the ROMS website ( to obtain further information on the open source numerical model. Please contact Dr. Marjorie A. M. Friedrichs ( with any questions regarding future implementations of the ChesROMS-ECB modeling system.

List of files:

  • Overall information: Readme.txt
  • initial seabedgrain size:
  • Seabed stresses:
  • Particle parameters including ballasting effect settling velocities:
  • Compiled CBP data used for empirical equations:
  • Compiled CBP data used for model-data
  • Results of Reference Run:
  • Results of More Shoreline Erosion:
  • Results of Highly Armored Shorelines:



Water clarity, water quality, coastal erosion, shoreline erosion, shoreline armoring, sediments, estuaries, organic matter, volatile suspended solids, VSS, fixedsuspended solids, FSS, total suspended solids, TSS, light attenuation, attenuation depth, Secchi depth, ChesROMS-ECB, biogeochemical model, visibility, ROMS.

Associated Publications

Turner, Jessica S., St-Laurent, Pierre, Friedrichs, Marjorie A. M., and Friedrichs, Carl T. (2021)Effects of shoreline erosion on Chesapeake Bay water clarity. Science of the Total Environment 769, 145157, doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.145157

Publication Statement

Jessica S. Turner ORCID ID: 0000-0003-3392-0316 | Pierre St-Laurent ORCID ID:0000-0002-1700-9509 | Marjorie A. M. Friedrichs ORCID ID:0000-0003-2828-7595 | Carl T. Friedrichs ORCID ID:0000-0002-1810-900X


Funding of this research was provided in part by NSF Grant OCE-1459708.Additionally, thispaper is the result of research funded by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science under award NA16NOS4780207 to the Virginia Institute of Marine Science.This work used High-Performance Computing facilities at William & Mary, which are supported by NSF, the Commonwealth of Virginia Equipment Trust Fund, and the Office of Naval Research. J. Turner was further supported bythe Commonwealth Coastal Research Fellowship from the Commonwealth of Virginiaand the Virginia Institute of Marine Science ( The funders had no role in the project design, data collection, data analysis, decision to publish, preparation of the manuscript, or preparation of the data repository.

Readme.txt (4 kB)
Overall Information (1205 kB)
Initial seabed grain size distribution (487 kB)
Average bottom bed stress magnitudes (12 kB)
Characteristics of the organic and inorganic particles (1519 kB)
Data from the Chesapeake Bay Program datahub (1310 kB)
Data from the Chesapeake Bay Program datahub (464712 kB)
Results from the Reference Run simulation (469879 kB)
Results from the More Shoreline Erosion simulation (462389 kB)
Results from the Highly Armored Shorelines simulation

Included in

Oceanography Commons
