
Document Type



Virginia Institute of Marine Science

VIMS Department/Program

Center for Coastal Resources Management (CCRM)

Publication Date


Data Access

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Data is in zip file, shapefile format, readable by ESRI ArcGIS Pro/ArcMap software.


This data is a portion of the data included in the Elizabeth River Environmental Justice Tool ( The Elizabeth River Environmental Justice map viewer contains a variety of layers that will help planners target vulnerable locations and populations within the Elizabeth River Watershed. This data was developed specifically to support the Elizabeth River Project’s decision making in this region.


Data is in zip file, shapefile format, readable by ESRI ArcGIS Pro/ArcMap software.

Data collection methods:
The main data sources used to construct these layers were: the Census, the EPA's EJ Index, CCRM, USGS's NLCD land cover data, and NOAA's SLOSH data. The SLOSH data was intersected with the four developed land cover layers of the NLCD data to provide estimates of the percentages of developed land that would be flooded in each block group. These block groups represent those that intersect with the Elizabeth River watershed shapefile provided by CCRM, which lie in the four counties considered in this analysis: Chesapeake City, Norfolk City, Portsmouth City, and Virginia Beach City.

Combined demographic = “pctmin","pctlowinc","pctlths", "pctlingiso","pctunder5","pctover64", "MedianStructureAge", "DevelopedArea", "MedianHHincome", "PublicAssistanceShare", "NotInLaborForceShare", "NoInternetShare", "AtLeastBachelorsShare", "BlackShare", "BlackHHShare", "IncomeBelowPovertyShare", "RenterShare"

40.8% of the variance was explained using first PC, which was used as the index score. That PC score was standardized against others within the Elizabeth River watershed using the EJ Screen methodology.

Combined demographic = “pctmin","pctlowinc","pctlths", "pctlingiso","pctunder5","pctover64", "MedianStructureAge","DevelopedArea","MedianHHincome", "PublicAssistanceShare","NotInLaborForceShare","NoInternetShare", "AtLeastBachelorsShare","BlackShare","BlackHHShare", "IncomeBelowPovertyShare","RenterShare

40.8% of the variance was explained using first PC, which was used as the index score. That PC score was standardized against others within the Elizabeth River watershed using the EJ Screen methodology.

Combined environmental = "EJ.DISPARITY.cancer.eo.EJLocal", "EJ.DISPARITY.resp.eo.EJLocal", "EJ.DISPARITY.dpm.eo.EJLocal", "", "EJ.DISPARITY.o3.eo.EJLocal", "EJ.DISPARITY.traffic.score.eo.EJLocal," "EJ.DISPARITY.pctpre1960.eo.EJLocal", "EJ.DISPARITY.proximity.rmp.eo.EJLocal", "EJ.DISPARITY.proximity.tsdf.eo.EJLocal", "EJ.DISPARITY.proximity.npl.eo.EJLocal", "EJ.DISPARITY.proximity.npdes.eo.EJLocal"

35.4% of the variance was explained using first PC, which was used as the index score. That PC score was standardized against others within the Elizabeth River watershed using the EJ Screen methodology.

Files | Description
Folder: Elizabeth River Environmental Justice Tool Indicator Layers

  • ERWtrshd_Environmental_Demographic_Vulerable_CensusBlocks.shp: The most vulnerable census blocks based on the ranking of the environmental and demographic indicators for census blocks in the Elizabeth River watershed.
  • ERWtrshd_Combined_Environmental_Indicator.shp: Combined environmental vulnerability indicator for census blocks in the Elizabeth River watershed. Based on a PCA analysis of multiple environmental indicators stressors.
  • ERWtrshd_Combined_Demographic_Indicator.shp: Combined demographic vulnerability indicator for census blocks in the Elizabeth River watershed. Based on a PCA analysis of multiple demographic stressors.
  • ERWtrshd_Environmental_Demographic_Indicator_Relationship.shp: Environmental and Demographic Vulnerability Indicator Relationship for census blocks in the Elizabeth River watershed. Indices are combined so that they can be displayed with a two by two bivariate color mapping style.


Environmental justice, flood impacts, Elizabeth River

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 4.0 International License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 4.0 International License.


This work was funded through VIMS specifically to support Elizabeth River Project goals with additional student support through UVA’s ERI program.
