Conceptualizing Research‐Driven Practice and the Wabash National Study, Georgianna L. Martin, Michael S. Hevel, and James P. Barber
Content and Intent Shape Function: Designs for Web-Based Educational Telecomputing Activities, Judi Harris
Cooperative Means to Interdisciplinary Ends, Judi Harris
Correlates Among Teachers' Anxieties, Demographics, and Telecomputing Activity, Judi Harris and Neal Grandgenett
Correlates with Use of Telecomputing Tools: K-12 Teachers' Beliefs and Demographics, Judi Harris and Neal Grandgenett
Crossing Boundaries Creating Community College Partnerships to Promote Educational Transitions, Marilyn J. Amey, Pamela L. Eddy, and Timothy G. Campbell
Developing Leaders: The Role of Competencies in Rural Community Colleges, Pamela L. Eddy
Development of an Integrative Wellness Model: Supervising Counselors-in-Training, Ashley J. Blount and Patrick R. Mullen
Development of Counseling Students' Self-Efficacy During Preparation and Training, Patrick R. Mullen, Olivia Uwamahoro, Ashley J. Blount, and Glenn W. Lambie
Development of the Ten Positions in the Journey Toward Self-Authorship, James P. Barber
Did Nietzsche Know Logo?, Judi Harris
Digital Campaigning: Using the Bill of Rights to Advance a Political Position, Kathy Swan and Mark J. Hofer
Digital Moviemaking—The Harmonization of Technology, Pedagogy and Content, Mark J. Hofer and Kathleen Owings Swan
Digital Toolkits for Teachers, Mark J. Hofer, Kathleen Owings Swan, and Emma Thacker
DisSPELLing a Myth, Judi Harris
Do High Ability Students Disidentify With Science? A Descriptive Study of U. S. Ninth Graders in 2009, Lori Andersen and Jason A. Chen
Dot-to-Dot LinX, Judi Harris and Sue Eskridge
Educational Objective: Fun!, Judi Harris
Educational Telecomputing Activities: Interpersonal Exchanges, Judi Harris
Educational Telecomputing Activities: Problem-Solving Projects, Judi Harris
Education Teleresearch: A Means, Not an End, Judi Harris
Educators' Use of a Statewide Telecomputing Network: A Descriptive Analysis, Susan Anderson and Judi Harris
Educators' Use Of Electronic Networks: An E-Mail Survey of Account-Holders on a Statewide Telecomputing System, Judi Harris and Susan Anderson
Emerging Definitions of Leadership in Higher Education, Pamela L. Eddy and Kim E. VanDerLinden
Enhancing Resilience of Gifted Students, Mihyeon Kim