"A Program Evaluation of A Technology Based Formative Assessment for Al" by Cassandra Harris



Date Awarded

Summer 2018

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (Ed.D.)




Margaret Constantino

Committee Member

Michael DiPaola

Committee Member

Jacob Jospeh


Algebra 1 is often called the “gateway” course to higher education and opportunity. In the state of Virginia, the Algebra Readiness Diagnostic Test (ARDT) is the recommended mathematics formative assessment selected to monitor progress of students at each grade level. This program evaluation sought to take a closer look at tasks that teachers practice in the formative assessment process which exceed the mandatory ARDT periods for assessment. Teachers felt strongly about the adverse impact of assessment overload, but they also stressed the need to have continual alternative assessments, such as memory recall practices, to make certain that elementary students retained the mathematical concepts that were taught throughout the year. Further, teachers expressed the need to reinvent ways to keep elementary students engaged in the learning process, and most spoke about the need to vary instruction practices and intervention choices with peer tutoring, computer based instruction, and ongoing feedback. ARDT was not used often outside of mandatory assessment sessions; teachers opted to use more user-friendly mathematics software containing animations and varying content delivery methods. Teachers were consistent in their expressed belief that elementary students work best in assessment environments that are not delivered in mere black and white font, but are lively and changing in font color and delivery methods. Teachers also stated that using more than one formative assessment was a necessity because one would not meet the many needs of diverse student populations while continuing to keep the interest of elementary students.




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