"Applicable Outcomes: A Program Evaluation of the Investigations Math P" by Sean Marco Hamer

Date Awarded

Summer 2018

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (Ed.D.)




Michael F DiPaola

Committee Member

Margaret E Constantino

Committee Member

James H Stronge


This program evaluation study focused on the outcomes of a Math program for elementary level students. This mixed-methods study explored the relationship between the implementation of the Investigations Math program and teachers' perceptions of its impacts. The program theory that guided this study stated that teachers who were provided time and resources to examine best practice Math curricula and instructional methods would: adopt and implement a holistic Math program that updated the curriculum; create positive changes in teacher content and pedagogical knowledge; meet the needs of all students, at all proficiency levels; result in a consistent scope and sequence; and lead to improved student achievement. The findings did not fully support the program theory but did inform the school of study of the positive outcomes that the adoption of the Investigations program enhanced teachers' perceptions of: alignment of the curriculum with Common Core Standards for Mathematical Practice; their capabilities as leaders of the inquiry process within the classroom setting; facilitating a Math program with consistency in concepts, student experiences, and assessment; improved students' consistency of good thinking; and increased number sense, perseverance in solving problems, and use of appropriate tools to construct viable arguments. However, analysis of the ERB-CTP4 math achievement test scores revealed negligible changes in the overall mean student performance as a result of the implementation of the Investigations program. Weaknesses in the assessment materials of Investigations also required a supplemental curriculum to be adopted in parts.




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