Theses/Dissertations from 1993
An integration of case-based and model-based reasoning and its application to physical system faults, Stamos T. Karamouzis
Creating Meaning from the Meaningless: Existentialism and the Function of Language in Paul Bowles' "The Sheltering Sky", Scott Michael Karr
Beyond Southern Honor: Dueling Masculinities in the Life of Robert Carter, Anna Elizabeth Jane Keatinge
The Willoughby-Baylor House: Form and Symbol, Stephanie Mary Keenan
Movements and behavior of wild and head-started sea turtles, John A. Keinath
"Work Enough for Head and Heart": Dramatic Interaction and the Social Dynamics of the Steward-Planter Relationship in Antebellum Tidewater Virginia, Neil Macrae Kennedy
In Situ Dielectric Monitoring and Kinetic Analysis of Phase Separation, Theodore Joon Kim
Studies on the oyster pathogen Perkinsus marinus (Apicomplexa): Interactions with host defenses of Crassostrea virginica and Crassostrea gigas, and in vitro propagation, Jerome F. La Peyre
Participation of Alkenylboronate Esters in [2+2] Enone-Olefin Photocycloadditions, William Charles Lappenbusch
Forest Fires in Western Europe in 1987, Philippe Le Canut
A Voice of One's Own: Virginia Woolf, the Problem of Language, and Feminist Aesthetics, Lisa Karin Levine
A study of the relationship between scheduling practices and selected Outcome Accountability Project indicators in Virginia high schools, Jonathan Leopold Lewis
Critique of Analytical Techniques Used in the Processing of Iron Recovered from Historic Sites in North America, Nicola Jane Margaret Longford
A "wealth of hallowed memories": The development of mission, saga, and distinctiveness at the Virginia Military Institute, David Roger Loope
Buying into the world of goods: Eighteenth-century consumerism and the retail trade from London to the Virginia frontier, Ann Smart Martin
The commuters' alma mater: Profiles of college student experiences at a commuter institution, Tisa Ann Mason
Dressing Behavior in Eighteenth Century Virginia 1740-1800, Joanna Margaret Masters
Human Impacts on Beach Use by Wintering and Migrating Birds in the Lower Chesapeake Bay, Ellen Fitzsimmons McLean
Making access meaningful: Effects of an early contact program on community college student success, Judy Bierlein McMillan
The relationship between a locality's fiscal capacity and its per-pupil expenditure in the Commonwealth of Virginia as a result of the 1988 funding formula change, Mary Messer Mehaffey
New Forces: The Development of Adult Child Partisanship, Laura Ann Meredith
Honor: The Cement of a Tennessee Brigade, Eric P. Michael
Oz in the Valley of Ashes: Visions of Tomorrow at the New York World's Fairs of 1939 and 1964, Emily Mieras
A Distorting Mirror: "Wide Sargasso Sea" and "Jane Eyre", Laura Ellen Morey
The impact of a cognitive strategy on students' composing skills, Macon Jasper Moye
Martin's Hundred: A Settlement Study, David Muraca
His Lost City: F Scott Fitzgerald's New York, Kris Robert Murphy
The Dynamics of an Oligohaline, Macrofaunal, Fouling Community, Michelle Lynne Thompson Neubauer
The Relationship between Dominant Macrobenthos and Cyclical Hypoxia in the Lower York River, R. Joseph Neubauer
The Metompkin Islands: A Case Study in Ownership and Management of a Dynamic Barrier System, David Harold Niebuhr
Immigration of blue crab (Callinectes sapidus) megalopae in the York River, Virginia: Patterns and processes, Eugene J. Olmi III
Social Bonding, Social Learning, and Delinquency: A n Examination of Two Etiological Theories of Deviance, Graham Cristopher Ousey
Mann Thinking Across Antebellum Culture---Mann Satterwhite Valentine's Literary Aspirations, Deborah Lynn Owen
A model study of hydrodynamic and water quality characteristics of the Rappahannock Estuary, Virginia, Kyeong Park
Fair and tender ladies at Tinker Creek: Women writers coming of age., Nancy Clyde Parrish
Virginia Woolf's "Mrs Dalloway": Interpretation, Knowledge and Power, L. Monique Pittman
R C Scott: A history of African-American entrepreneurship in Richmond, 1890-1940, Michael A. Plater
A Cultural Analysis of Furniture-Making in Petersburg, Virginia, 1760-1820, Johnathan Prown
Revisions and evasions: Flannery O'Connor, Southern literary culture, and the problem of female authorship, Katherine Hemple Prown
Hierarchial Compositions in Late-Eighteenth- and Early-Nineteenth-Century Landscape Art and Poetry, Elizabeth Rackley
The Impact of the Sexually Vital Woman in Willa Cather's My Antonia and A Lost Lady, Amy Beth Rafferty
The effects of granularity on the microwave surface impedance of high kappa superconductors, Stephen Keith Remillard
"A Girl Such as I am": A Study of Women in Anthony Trollope's Palliser Series, Catherine Ann Renko
Behavioral differences in depressed and conduct-disordered youth, Kathryn Haynes Rhody
The relationships between retrospective perceptions of an alcoholic home environment with levels of differentiation of self and trait anxiety in adult children of alcoholics, Barbara Lynn Rojas-Hughes
Remembering to Forget: "Gone with the Wind", "Roots", and Consumer History, Annjeanette C. Rose
The recoil momentum dependence of the deuterium(electron, electron' neutron)proton cross section, Paul Martin Rutt
Distribution of Organochlorine Pollutants in Sea Turtles, Mary J. Rybitski
A different drum: The forgotten tradition of the military academy in American education, Kurt Allen Sanftleben
Why White Men Can't Jump and Black Men Can't Think: An Analysis of the American Sports News Media's Coverage of Basketball and its Players from 1980 to the Present, Robert Charles Scaro
Growth Response of Eelgrass (Zostera marina L) to Root-Rhizome and Whole Plant Exposure to Atrazine, Arthur C. Schwarzschild
Characterization of anti-tumor immunity in oyster toadfish (Opsanus tau), and the effects of 7,12 -dimethylbenz(A)anthracene on this immune response, Kenneth R. Seeley
"A Bowery Nook Will be Elysium": The Image of the Bower in the Poetry of John Keats, Tracy Prior Seffers
The Richmond Junto and politics in Jacksonian Virginia, Wade Lee Shaffer
The Synthesis of Acetylisophthalic Acid for the Double Capping of beta-Cyclodextrin, Shuci Sharma
Photoabsorption spectra of hydrogen in magnetic fields, John A. Shaw
Boundary Layer Structure in Homogeneous Tidal Flows: A Theoretical and Numerical Study, Jian Shen
Characterization of Epoxy Resins for use in the Resin Transfer Molding Process, Christina Kaye Short
The Kids Are (All) Right: Baby-Boomers and the Rhetoric of Childhood in the Picture Books of Chris Van Allsburg, Mark. Sprinkle
Structural Incongruity and Humor Appreciation, Rosemary Evans Staley
Perceptions of senior re-entry registered nurse students in baccalaureate nursing programs, Yvonne Nazareth Stringfield
Professional Training and Attributions of Blame for Sex offenses and Other Crimes, Florence Kristen Super
To Separate the Tares from the Corn: Debts and Slaves in Post-Revolutionary Virginia, Philip George Swan
Interspecific and intraspecific variability in placoid scale morphology in relation to body form variability in squaliformes, Christopher R. Tabit
David Hume and the Search for Social Consensus, Dominic Alexander Taylor
Cross-Linking Additives as Smoke Suppressants for Poly(Vinyl Chloride), Steven Alfred Terranova
Who Went to Market?: An Urban and Rural, Late Eighteenth-Century Perspective Based on Faunal Assemblages from Curles Neck Plantation and the Everard Site, Susan Michelle Trevarthen
Relationships among therapists' family background, personality traits, and therapeutic approach, Jeffrey Neil Van Pelt
The Effects of Word Frequency on the Recall of Information Associated with a Face, Anthony F. Vittoria
Which Way Now?: A n Examination of the Ideological Movement of the British Labour Party between 1974 and 1992, Robert Waddington
Campus and consortium in an era of large-scale research: An historical study of the Virginia Associated Research Center, 1962-1967, Elizabeth Buchanan Ward
Training peer paraprofessionals in career services: An analysis of current practices, Melissa Jayne Whitt
An analysis of the role of principals supervising programs for students with disabilities in effective schools as defined by Virginia's Outcome Accountability Project, Helen Clayton Williams
Re-Education of German Prisoners of War in the United States during World War II, J. Barrie. Williams
Selected family therapy outcomes with Bowen, Haley, and Satir, Joan Elizabeth Winter
A measurement of the branching ratio of long-lived neutral kaon going to positive muon negative muon, Michael Thomas Witkowski
Hanna's Town: A Frontier Town in Western Pennsylvania, John Perry Wood
Suspended sediment concentration profiles in the bottom boundary layer, Jingping Xu
A study of the guiding center approximation, Qun Yao
Stripping and Reassembly of the Yeast Vacuolar H+-ATPase Peripheral Protein Subunits, Heather R. Yarashus
Beyond the Standard Model: New scalars and new leptons, Yao Yuan
Comprehension of Miranda rights by 14-18 year old African-American and Caucasian males with and without learning disabilities, Barbara Anne Zaremba
Theses/Dissertations from 1992
The Scourge of "Discovery": A Case Study of the Genocide of Native Americans in English North America, Jayma Ann Abdoo
School system merger: A study of power and redistribution of resources, Rebecca Clark White Adams
Restrained with the Civil Sword: Spenser's "Maye" Eclogue and Donne's "Third Satyre" in the Context of the English Reformation, John David Allen
Individual Differences in Cognitive Representations of Social Environments, Joy Lyn Austin
The Changing Role of Women in Ireland: A Political and Legal Perspective, Mary Kathryn Ayers
Cytophotometric Estimation of Nuclear DNA Content Variation in Ten Species of Geniculate Coralline Algae (Corallinaceae, Rhodophyta), Jeffrey Craig Bailey
Formation and desorption of negative ions from metal surfaces, Douglas Hugh Baker
A Sketch of Sufferings: Power and Patronage in Daniel Fisher's Virginia 1750-1755, Wendy Joyce Baker
Completion of partial operator matrices, M.(Mihaly) Bakonyi
Larvae and relationships of epinepheline serranids (Teleostei: Percoidei), Carole Christine Baldwin
Helping first-year college students climb the academic ladder: Report of a national survey of freshman seminar programming in American higher education, Betsy Overman Barefoot
Reviving the American Left: ERAP and the LID-SDS Conflict, Michael Patrick Bartos
A content analysis of the attention to microcultural factors in selected multicultural education college textbooks used in the United States, Sandra Farmer Baugh
A Comparative Approach to Slave Life on Bermuda, 1780-1834, Margaret Mary Bellhorn
Comparing Relationships: Same-Sex Friendships, Cross-Sex Friendships, and Romantic Love, Kathryn Gray Bilbro
Peer influence within the student residential environment: The effectiveness of educational crime prevention programming, Stephen Damian Bisese