Theses/Dissertations from 1992
Distribution, abundance, and behavior of the cownose ray, Rhinoptera bonasus (Mitchill 1815), in lower Chesapeake Bay, Robert A. Blaylock
Comparison of the Level of Female Induced Reproductive Inhibition in White-Footed Mice (Peromyscus leucopus noveboracensis) from Michigan and Virginia, Timothy Sterling Boyer
A Comparison of Grow-Out Methods for the Bay Scallop, Argopecten irradians irradians, at Two Sites in Virginia, Mark J. Brotman
Intentional Introductions of Non-Indigenous Species: A Case Study of Policy and Management Affecting Crassostrea gigas, Gwynne D. Brown
Alumni as givers: An analysis of donor-nondonor behavior at a Comprehensive I institution, Linda Faye Burgess-Getts
Aggressive Oversight: The Subcommittee of Oversight and Investigations of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, Diane D. Burton
"What Mean?": The Postmodern Metafiction Within William Gaddis's "The Recognitions", Sean Butler
A study of core special education competencies needed for public school building administrators, JoAnne Yarbrough Carver
"Mischiefs So Close to Each Other": External Relations of the Ohio Valley Shawnees, 1730-1775, Courtney B. Caudill
Taxonomy of Larval Blennioidei of Belize, Central America, Martin Ray Cavalluzzi
Hardwood Forest in the Coastal Plain of Virginia East of the Suffolk Scarp, Penelope Williams Cazier
The branching fraction of long-lived kaon going to muon-anti-muon, Michael David Chapman
An Investigation of the Late Pleistocene Paleochannel Systems in the Continental Shelf, South of Chesapeake Bay Mouth, Ziqiang Chen
A New Hope for the Republic, Richard Smith Chew
Cognitive Developmental Differences in Source Monitoring, Katharine L. Cimini
Shoreline Habitat Selection by Bald Eagles (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) in a Non-Breeding Eagle Concentration-Area on the James River, Virginia, Kennedy H. Clark
Out of Left Field: William Saroyan's Thirties Fiction as a Reflection of the Great Depression, Hildy Michelle Coleman
Land use and Wetland Function: A Sensitivity Analysis of the VIMS Nontidal Wetland Functional Assessment Method, Martha Craig
A study of teachers' instructional planning as revealed by an analysis of objectives, strategies and indicators of student achievement, Barbara Sewell Davis
Juvenile Pelagic Fish Communities in the Mattaponi and Pamunkey Rivers, Virginia, Steffany Dawson
An evaluation of personality-environmental factors related to job satisfaction of secondary school natural science teachers, George Newton DeShazo
AIDS and the academic community: A study in university governance, Ann Dinius
Development and Characterization of an Electrothermal Vaporization System for a Helium Discharge Detector, Mark Ronald Dix
"This Famous Island in the Virginia Sea": The Influence of the Irish Tudor and Stuart Plantation Experiences in the Evolution of American Colonial Theory and Practice, Meaghan Noelle Duff
Reducing teachers' levels of stress: A comparison of two counseling treatment models, andrew Charles Elgort
The relationship between the content and quality of ex-spousal interactions and the adjustment of stepchildren: An exploratory study, Bradley Lawrence Elison
Leadership development in higher education for public health, Grace Peak Erickson
Artisans of the South: A comparative study of Norfolk, Charleston and Alexandria, 1763-1800, Mary Catherine Ferrari
General Motors and the Development of New Industrial Models, Clifford B. Fleet
Synthesis and Inclusion of 1-(5-Cyanonaphthyl) Diazomethane with B-Cyclodextrin, Scott Tobias Forrest
Rivals of the Word: Rumors between Seventeenth-Century Hurons and Jesuits, Jill E. Frank
The Craft of Portraiture in Eighteenth-Century America, Anne Mary Fuhrman
Anger and type-related coping resources in the experience of adult survivors of incest, Kathleen M. Giles
White students' racial attitudes and racial identity development in a liberal arts environment, Mary Hornback Glisan
The Role of Ideology in Soviet Economic Reform: A Comparison of the NEP, the Collectivization Campaign, and the Perestroika Program, Geoffrey Myleo Goodale
Photosynthetic Responses of Eelgrass (Zostera marina L) to Light and Sediment Sulfide in a Shallow Barrier Island Lagoon, Jill Lynn Goodman
Differential Association and Patterns of Drug Use, Robert S. Gossweiler
Those Who Are Compelled to be Employed: Women, Work, and Education in the Powell Family of Virginia, Katharine Virginia Graydon
A General Theory of Economic Flow, Social Exchange, and Hegemonic Relationship, Donn Robert Grenda
Running on Empty: The Myth of the Automobile in Three Works by Chester Himes, Christopher Blair Hailey
A study of student attrition at a small, rural community college: A test of the Bean and Metzner Model, Alan Michael Harris
Intelligent Processing of PMR-15, Sean Michael Hart
The Effect of a One-Meter Sea-Level Rise on Tidal Wetlands in Gloucester County, Virginia, Paula Lindsey Hill
Comparative biology and population dynamics of searobins (genus Prionotus) with emphasis on populations in the northwestern Gulf of Mexico, James G. Hoff Jr
Enclaves and Enterprises: Chinese Communities in the United States, Xiaoyi Huang
Cedars, Sloops and Slaves: The Development of the Bermuda Shipbuilding Industry, 1680-1750, Michael J. Jarvis
The Relationship between the Board of Trade and Plantations and the Colonial Government of Virginia, 1696-1775, Mary Carroll Johansen
A Vegetational Analysis of Interdunal Swale Communities of False Cape State Park, Currituck Spit, Virginia, Heather A. Jones
Creating a tradition: Early campus planning at Hampton Institute, 1868-1893, Susan Hicks Jones
Illness and Anger: Issues of Power in "Wuthering Heights" and "Shirley", Margaret Elise Jordan
An analysis of Virginia school psychologists' decisions relative to assessment profiles and recommended handicapping condition, Brian Alan Keith
"For Thus His Neglect": Grand Jury Presentments for Failure to Attend Church, York County, Virginia, 1750-1775, Leslie Michelle Kesler
Code generation using a backtracking LR parser, Laurie Anne Smith King
Making an impression: Women printers in the Southern colonies in the Revolutionary Era, Martha Joanne King
The use of humor to relieve stress in psychiatric nurses, Joanne Kwandt
Frederick Douglass's Intended Audiences for His Antebellum Autobiographies, Kimberly Elaine Lankford
Painleve singularity analysis applied to charged particle dynamics during reconnection, Jay Walter Larson
Role of Habitat Features and Chemical Cues in Substrate Selection by Blue Crab Megalopae: Evidence from Laboratory Experiments, Bruce Clare Layman
The Contempt of Folly: Hamlet's View of Polonius, Louise Ann Long
The Costumes of the Past: The First Virginia and the Authenticity of Historical Reenacting, Barry Scott Lovell
Generic Identification and Patterns of External Pigment in Larval Gobies (Pisces: Gobiidae) from the Belize Barrier Reef, Elizabeth D. Maddox
A validity study of the control/nurture dimensions of the Sale-Hendren Model of Structural Family Therapy, Robert George Mahan
Foraging ecology of the blue crab, Callinectes sapidus Rathbun, in lower Chesapeake Bay, Randa A. Mansour
Lawlessness on the maritime frontier of the greater Chesapeake, 1650-1750, Samuel G. Margolin
The magnetic form factor of the neutron, G(n,M), from the deuteron(electron,electron'neutron)proton reaction, Pete Edward Christopher Markowitz
Survival of juvenile queen conch, Strombus gigas, in natural habitats: Impact of prey, predator and habitat features, Livingston Sinclair Marshall Jr
Metaphors we make schools by: The debate on schools of choice, Stephanie Marie McConachie
Design and analysis techniques for concurrent blackboard systems, John William McManus
Verification of Fault-Tolerant Clock Synchronization Systems, Paul S. Miner
Survival and Abundance of Juvenile Caribbean Spiny Lobster: Effects of Shelter Size and Geographic Location, Jonathon Daniel Mintz
Modelling of zinc accumulation in the American oyster, Crassostrea virginica (GMELIN), Cheol Mo
Allozyme Analysis of Billfish Population Structure, Lee W. Morgan
Generational Tension in Middle English Lais, Amelia Carroll Napier
Quasilinear theory of laser-plasma interactions, Alastair John Neil
"The world was all before them": A study of the black community in Norfolk, Virginia, 1861-1884, Cassandra Newby-Alexander
Toni Morrison's Reclamation of Her Past, Timothy Kelly Nixon
Racial issues in White dyads: An investigation of Helms's interaction model, Nancy G. Ochs
The Effects of Gull Predation on the Colony Reproductive Success of Terns and Skimmers in Virginia, Timothy J. O'Connell
Adequate and appropriate intelligence testing of moderately mentally retarded children, Nancy Lynn Robertson Orrison
Environmentally Induced Color Polymorphism in Caterpillars of Biston betulavia lognataria, Robin Stewart Parnell
The Cowrie Shell in Virginia: A Critical Evaluation of Potential Archaeological Significance, Laurie Elisabeth Pearce
Symbolic Action as Politics: The Canadian Senate as a Political Symbol, Jay Marsh Price
Elisha Jackson's Tavern: A Rural Node of Power, Joseph T. Rainer
Commies, Cancer, and Cavities: The Conflict Over Fluoridation, Gretchen A. Reilly
A community and its neighborhoods: Charles Parish, York County, Virginia, 1630-1740, Julie (Caroline Julia) Richter
Social Activity among Sociology Alumni, Dawn June Riddle
The Imidization Reactions of PMR-15 Polyimide, Kerri Ann Robillard
Coercive Behavior's Effects on Identity Formation, Lisa A. Savastano
In Pursuit of Possibility, Elizabeth Ellet and the Women of the American Revolution, Gretchen Ferris Schoel
The Multi-Fiber Arrangement in the Loom of North - South Politics, Meeta Sehgal
Selected personality characteristics as correlates of effective school principals, Elizabeth Jean Shahmouradian
Gotta Travel On: A View of the American Road from Bob Dylan's Rolling Thunder Revue, 1975, Matthew David Shine
Affirmative Action and Self Esteem: An Exploratory Analysis using Attribution Theory, Jacqueline Christine Coon Simpson
The Political Economy in India: Interest Groups and Development (1947-1990), Alaka Singh
Measurement of the Carbon and Nitrogen Densities of the Marine Heterotrophic Flagellate Paraphysomonas sp, Yongsik Sin
A Critique of Hugo Grotius's "Introduction to the Jurisprudence of Holland", Frank Gilbert Slinkard