Theses/Dissertations from 1990
An analysis of Virginia public school principals' perceptions of their roles, Howard Thomas Gillette III
"Song of Myself" and the Divided Subject, Valerie Philbrick Gill
Kickoffs and Kickbacks: The 1951 Football Scandal at William and Mary, Joan Gosnell
Make it According to Cezanne: The Influence of Cezanne on the Development of Hemingway's Sty, Randal Carson Hamilton
An Ethnoarchaeological Study of the Cisterns in Oranjestad, Sint Eustatius, Netherlands Antilles, Ross K. Harper
Data Constraints in Function-Oriented Languages, Earl Stavis Harris
Reading as a Woman: Reynolds Price and Creative androgyny in "Kate Vaiden" and "Good Hearts", Edith T. Hartin
Development or Dependence: Multinational Corporations, Technology Transfer and the Third World, David Allan Head
Literature as a Tool for Cultural Analysis: A Post-Processual Examination of the Ante-Bellum Tidewater Elite 1830-1860, Shirley Kathryn Holmes
"My Lords and Gentlemen and Honourable Boards": Narrative and Social Criticism in "Our Mutual Friend", Gregory Eric Huteson
The Potential for Colonial Period Archaeology in La Libertad, Peru, Ross W. Jamieson
Word Association and Schizophrenia Symptomatology, Diane E. Johnson
A study of the relationship between the job satisfaction of secondary assistant principals and their perception of their principal's leader behavior, Lloyd Conway Jones
Inner continental shelf benthic boundary layer dynamics and suspended sediment transport, Sung Chan Kim
Testing Bowen's Family Systems Theory: The Focused-On Child, Katherine Moore Kitzmann
Population dynamics of young-of-the-year striped bass, Morone saxatilis, populations, based on daily otolith increments, Lisa L. Kline
The Family Context of Sibling Deidentification, Jeffrey Mark Lackner
Rethinking Sanctions Theory: U.S and Multilateral Sanctions Against South Africa, Stephen Paul LaFalce
The Shaping of Consciousness: Conventional Adventure Language and Gothic Imagery in James' "Daisy Miller" and "The Portrait of a Lady", andrea Mary LaFreniere
Britain's Labour Party and the EEC Decision, Marcia Marie Lewandowski
Filling the Political Vacuum: The United States and Germany, 1944-1946, Stephen Haynes Lewis
Beach Forms Induced by Coastal Structures Forming Embayments in Fetch-Limited Environments, Jian Hua Li
Effects of low dissolved oxygen on the macrobenthos of the lower Rappahannock River, Chesapeake Bay, Roberto Javier Llanso
Four Perceptions of Suicide in Sixteenth- and Early Seventeenth-Century England, Alexandra Mary Lord
Archaeology at Bennett Farm: The Life Style of a Seventeenth-Century Middling Planter in York County, Virginia, Nicholas Michael Luccketti
The Hotels of Old Point Comfort: A Material Culture Study, Winifred Rebecca Dudley MacIntosh
The Quiet Diplomacy: President Eisenhower and Dien Bien Phu, William Stuart Maddox
Lights, Cameras, Quorum Call: A Legislative History of Senate Television, Christopher John Maloney
Organized Labor: The Past, Present, and Future of Nurse-Midwifery in America, Amy Procter Matthews
Belonging to the army: Camp followers and the military community during the American Revolution, Holly A. Mayer
For Peace and Prosperity: The Defense, Trade, and Expansion Polices of Governor Alexander Spotswood, Frances Susan Mazur
Across the first divide: Frontiers of settlement and culture in Augusta County, Virginia, 1738-1770, Nathaniel Turk McCleskey
"Into a Strange Land": Women Captives among the Indians, Jennifer D. McDaid
Characterization of Minchinia sp Spores (Ascetospora: Haplosporidiidae) Infecting Teredo navalis L and Placopecten magellanicus Von Martens (Mollusca: Teredinidae) in the Western North Atlantic, Elizabeth Robinson McGovern
The Effects of Shading by Open-Pile Structures on the Density of Spartina alterniflora, Heather L. McGuire
The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution: Mao Zedong's Quest for Revolutionary Immortality, Ronald R. McLeod
Narrative Theory and James Joyce's "Finnegan's Wake": Voice and Self-Narration in "Night Lessons", Daniel Quentin Miller
The parent checklist for new kindergarten pupils: A validation study, Willis Glen Miller Jr.
"If I Had My Health ": Ideas about Illness and Healing in the Lisle Letters, Margaret T. Mitchell
The Stone Ovens of St Eustatius: A Study of Material Culture, Maria Lavinia Machado Monteiro
Comparative community structure of surf-zone fishes in the Chesapeake Bight and southern Brazil, Cassiano Monteiro-Neto
Subtle Subversion: Gaskell's use of Scripture in Her Social Purpose Novels, Jennifer P. Morey
Nitrogen Processing in the York River Estuary, VA: Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Nitrification, Lori Jedlica Morris
Russia, the Soviet Union and Arms Control 1899-1987, Anthony Douglas Morriss
Adolescent identity formation: Inpatient influence on self-concept, David John Mueller
Acculturation between the Indian and European Fur Traders in Hudson Bay 1668-1821, Lisa C. Mullins
Hilton Village, Virginia: The Government's First Model Industrial Community, Margaret M. Mulrooney
A Dialectical Analysis of Role Enactment during the Emergency Period of Natural Disasters, Kristen Anne Myers
Relative effects of nutrient enrichment and grazing on epiphyton-macrophyte (Zostera marina L.) dynamics, Hilary A. Neckles
An Investigation of Impediments to Commercial Shellfish Mariculture in Virginia, Robert Charles Neikirk
A Search for the Body: L'ecriture Feminine and Delta Wedding, Diane Truitt Nichols
The Unkindest Cut: The Decision to Withhold I Corps from the Peninsula Campaign, 1862, Christianne niDonnell
The Cemeteries of St Eustatius, N.A: Status in a Caribbean Community, Laurie J. Paonessa
The Preparation of and Upper Atmospheric Effects on Kevlar Films, Patricia Lynne Pate
"I Would Not Begrudge to Give a Few Pounds More": Elite Consumer Choices in the Chesapeake, 1720-1785 The Calvert House Ceramic Assemblage, Steven Edward Patrick
A Fatal Enigma?: The Reception of Smallpox Inoculation in Colonial Massachusetts, Monika Drake Patten
A Minister in All But Name: The Letters of Martha Gerrish (1689-1736), Jessica Philyaw
Virginia and Western Territorial Government, 1780-1787, Leslie Scott Philyaw
Morphological Variability in Late Seventeenth and Early Eighteenth-Century English Wine Bottles, William E. Pittman
The Impact of the Military on Peru's Predemocritization, Michael Francis Plichta
The Vascular Flora of Western Isle of Wight County, Virginia, Gregory Michael Plunkett
Landlords, Tenants, and Rental Property in Williamsburg and Yorktown, Virginia, 1730-1780, Emma Lou Powers
Self-Reported Memory as a Function of Clinical Versus Everyday Memory Tasks, Carmella Maria Prescott
The Imidization of PMR-15 Aromatic Thermosetting Polyimide, Thomas Clifton Prettyman
Determination of Macrophage Chemiluminescent Response in Fundulus heteroclitus as a Function of Pollution and Temperature Stress, Karen Kelly Reay
Occupational Paths and Prestige Levels of Sociology Concentrators: Do Gender Differences Exist?, Bonnie Lynn Reenstra
Investigating the Bulimia-Depression Relationship using Sleep Deprivation, Jeffrey Thomas Reiter
Knowledge-Based System for Flight Information Management, Wendell R. Ricks
Police Reform and the Boston Police Strike of 1919, David Joseph Roberts
Adrenal Histology and Reproductive Function in Peromyscus maniculatus bairdii and Peromyscus leucopus noveborocensis, Peggy Alicia Rouleau
William M McClaskey: A Tavern Keeper in His Community, 1834-1844, Lisa Gail Royse
The relationship of interpersonal problem-solving skills to adjustment, James Alan Russo
The personal need systems of college students: An analysis of the poorly adjusted freshman, Kenneth Michael Saad
"Near the Governor's": Patterns of Development of Three Properties along Williamsburg's Palace and Nicholson Streets in the Eighteenth Century, Patricia Merle Samford
The Gametogenic Cycle of Placopecten magellanicus (Gmelin) in the Mid-Atlantic Bight, Anne Catherine Schmitzer
Theories of Leadership: A Contemporary Analysis 1975-1989, Robert D. Schwartzman
Stock Identification of Weakfish, Cynoscion regalis, by Discriminant Function Analysis of Morphometric Characters, Daniel R. Scoles
Steinbeck the Writer-Knight, William Scott Simkins
Representation and Resistance: A Feminist Critique of Jean Toomer's "Cane", Elaine Margaret Sisson
Factors Influencing Post Baccalaureate Educational Attainment, Benjamin Wofford Smith
Solid State Effects in the Reactions of the Meta and Pura Trifluorodiazomethane/Beta-Cyclodextrin Inclusion Complexes, Shelley Hunnings Smith
"The Most Proper and Convenient Place": The Debate Over North Carolina's Seat of Government, 1676-1791, Alan Ray Stokes
Early English Firearms: A Re-examination of the Evidence, Beverly Ann Straube
The winds of war and change: The impact of the Tuscarora War on proprietary North Carolina, 1690-1729, Christine Ann Styrna
First measurement of the reaction helium-3(photon,proton -proton)neutron, Chengwei Sun
Involvement and Information: How Do They Affect the Price Consumers Are Prepared to Pay?, Corinne Ann Symes
Aqueous Solubility of Liquid Hydrocarbon Mixtures Containing Dissolved Solid Components, George G. Vadas
Parental perceptions of children clinically diagnosed as Affective Disorder, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, or Conduct Disorder: The implications for family therapy, Pamela McComas Vaught
Benjamin Trott: Miniature Painter, Anne Ayer Verplanck
A dynamic failure model for performing propagation and infection analysis on computer programs, Jeffrey Mark Voas
Predictors of role conflict, role ambiguity, and propensity to leave among academic department secretaries, Rona J. Vrooman
A national study of professional standards in special education teacher preparation programs using the standards adopted by the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education and the Council for Exceptional Children, Dawn Colleen Johnson Waegerle
"What They have Instead of God": The Relationship between Jake Barnes and Brett Ashley in Hemingway's "The Sun Also Rises", Stephanie Eileen Wardrop
Symptom-Specific and Nonsymptom-Specific Factors in Eating Disorders: A Comparison of Bulimics, Dieters, and Normals, Jill Washychyn
A procedure to measure the effects of covert death anxiety on the physiological and affective responses of student nurses, John Luther Weeks
The Effects of Computer-Based Instruction on College Students' Comprehension of Classic Research, Josephine Amy Welsh
An Isolating and Repressive Force: The Image of the Southern Lady in the Work of Lee Smith, Deborah Rae Wesley
Legal Abortion: An Examination of Public Support from 1972 to 1988, John Angus White