Theses/Dissertations from 1990
Dielectric Sensor In-Situ Control of the RTM Composite Fabrication Process, Alex Stewart Williamson
Breaking the Formula: Politics and Sexuality in Lesbian Detective Fiction, Meredith Abner Wood
Chinese Immigrants to America: The Matic Dimensions, Sui Wu
Patterns of Habitat Utilization in 0-Age Summer Flounder (Paralichthys dentatus), David M. Wyanski
Theses/Dissertations from 1989
Task-Oriented Display Design: Concept and Example, Terence S. Abbott
Institutional image: A case study of George Mason University, Elizabeth Anne Acosta-Lewis
Augustus Carmichael: A Metaphor of the Artist, Mary Beverly Adams
The Political Process of Interdependence between the U.S and Japan, Diane Florence Alleva
Politics and the Writings of Vassily Aksyonov, William S. Allred
The Synthesis and Photochemistry of Anthraquinone-2,6-disulfonyl-beta-cyclodextrin, Angela Marie Aquino
Blindness and Vision in "Middlemarch", Sarah Ellen Arnold
Effect of Water Column pH and NO3 on Ortho-Phosphate Release Rates from Freshwater Sediments, Beverly Eloise Baker
A study of the relationship of social planning processes to the social competence of learning-disabled adolescents, Roberta Swithers Barton
Prescription and Practice: A Comparison of Child-Care Manuals, Fashion Journals and Mail-Order Catalogues on the Subject of Children's Dress 1875-1900, Christina Jean Bates
Aspects of Volume Regulation in Two Estuarine Invertebrates: Glycera dibranchiata (Annelida) and Modiolus demissus (Mollusca), Ana Marie Beardsley
Virginia's pelagic recreational fishery: Biological, socioeconomic and fishery components, Eleanor A. Bochenek
Nitrogen and phosphorus cycling strategies in two tidal freshwater macrophytes, Peltandra virginica and Spartina cynosuroides, Paul Milton. Booth Jr
Interactive Simulations for Knowledge Acquisition, Sorel Bosan
Beyond the campus: Image and saga of the state coordinating council: A case study of the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia, 1977-1987, Agnes Logan Braganza
Merchants of Curacao in the early 18th century, Nadia Francisca Brito
Yorktown Shipwreck 44YO88: Stores and Cargo from a British Naval Supply Vessel from the American War for Independence, John D. Broadwater
Hypoxic Water Transport by Sub-Tidal Circulation from Chesapeake Bay to the Lower Rappahannock Estuary, Ned Burger
Crimson Missionaries: Harvard College and the Robert Boyle Trust, John D. Burton
U.S Vietnam Policy and NATO, Alan Peter Calandro
Effects of selected nitrogen-containing aromatic compounds (NCACs) on physiological properties in Escherichia coli, W. James Catallo III
Monitoring Environmental Effects on High Performance Tetraglycidyl Methylenedianiline Epoxy and PMR-15 Polyimide, William Robinson Hayes Clark
Measuring certain cognitive traits in depressed mothers and their children: A controlled study, James Allen Correll
Milk for Babes: The Catechism in Reformation England 1550-1640, William Howard Dannemaier
Regionalism in India: Two Case Studies, Tehnaz Jehangir Dastoor
A Spatial Analysis of Sugar Plantations on St Eustatius N.A, James A. Delle
Meristic and Morphometric Comparison of Three Juvenile Alosa Species: Blueback Herring, A aestivalis; Alewife, A pseudoharengus; and American Shad, A sapidissima, Joseph C. Desfosse
Calvinism Revisited: Predestination and Sterility in William Styron's "Sophie's Choice", Reba Carol Dismukes
Synthesis and Characterization of 3-Alkylidenetetrahydrofurans, Kevin Patrick Dockery
Who Controlled Cruise?: The 1983 Deployment of Cruise Missiles in the United Kingdom and the Post-1945 Anglo-American Special Relationship in Defense, Colin James Donald
Automated Data Acquisition for Analysis of Fly Ash by Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry, Eileen Dowds
PCB congener analysis with Hall electrolytic conductivity detection, Robert D. Edstrom
Non-Lattice Monte Carlo Simulations of Polymer Motion, David Albert Eichinger
Presenting the past: Education, interpretation and the teaching of black history at Colonial Williamsburg, Rex Marshall Ellis
Reducing vulnerability for bulimia among college-aged women: Implementation of an educational model for prevention., Jan Elliott Evans
Generation Boundaries in Divorced and Intact Families, Barry Lee Funkhouser
Mitochondrial DNA Variation in Striped Bass, Morone saxatilis, from the Rappahannock River, Virginia, Carol Furman
A search for the rare decay kaon(L) going to muon/electron, John Fred Ginkel
Be Ye Friend or Foe?: An Analysis of Two Eighteenth Century North Carolina Sites, Anna Lois Gray
Sex-Related Morphological Differences in the Dentition of Anolis oculatus, Kevin William Grierson
Disagreements in Relationships: The Attributions Partners Make, Sherry Lynne Hamby
Dielectric Monitoring of Environmental Effects on the Cure of Epoxy-Polyamide Coatings, Thomas Hamilton
A Structural Factoring Approach for Analyzing Probabilistic Networks, Kelly J. Hayhurst
Private Land Development in Williamsburg, 1699-1748: Building a Community, Cathleene Betz Hellier
A study of reading achievement gains in classes of special education teachers using the Beginning Teacher Assistance Program indicators of competence, Cynthia Henshaw
"Song of the Husbandman": A Critical Edition, Patricia Louise Hintz
Carbon, Nitrogen, and Phosphorus Discharge from the Altamaha River, Georgia, Frederick A. Hoffman
The Effects of Exogenous Triiodothyronine on Reproductively Inhibited Prairie Deer Mice (Peromyscus maniculatus bairdii) from Laboratory Populations, Paul Sumpter Hogg
Women, Work, and the Civil War: The Effect of the Civil War on the Women Working in Richmond, Virginia, between 1860 and 1870, Elizabeth Ann Holmes
Bottom Sediment Mobility at the Wolf Trap Site in the Lower Chesapeake Bay, Mary McKean Howard-Strobel
Factors in Lay Diagnoses of Mental Illness: Closeness of Relationship and "De-Satisficing" Events, Doyle E. Hull
Cabinetmakers and Related Tradesmen in Norfolk, Virginia: 1770-1820, Ronald LeRoy Hurst
The Effect of Tissue Culture Medium Composition on Fragile X Expression, Jennifer Anne Hyman
Anglo-Siouan Relations on Virginia's Piedmont Frontier, 1607-1732, Joseph Benjamin Jones
Factors accounting for the development of the Virginia community college system, Patsy Rainey Joyner
A survey of state educational agencies on criteria for providing related services as mandated by Public Law 94-142 and section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Antonis Katsiyannis
Historic Archaeology of Jamaican Tenant-Manager Relations: A Case Study from Drax Hall and Seville Estates, St Ann, Jamaica, Kenneth Goodley Kelly
A measurement of the decay rate for the process kaon(L) going to positive muon negative muon, Christopher John Kenney
The relationship between husband-wife/assertiveness-nonassertiveness and marital satisfaction, Jerry Douglas Kiser
Heterotrophic bacterial production: Relationships to biological and abiological factors in estuarine environments, Eric Thor Koepfler
The diffusion of muonic deuterium atoms in deuterium gas, James Brian Kraiman
The Coffin Maker of St Eustatius, Chester J. Kulesa
Psalms to Plainchant: Seventeenth-Century Sacred Music in New England and New France, Caroline Beth Kunkel
Reproductive and Metabolic Characteristics in Peromyscus leucopus noveboracensis from Laboratory Populations and Females during Release from Reproductive Inhibition, Holly Anne LaVoie
Differential Family Characteristics of High and Low Aggressive Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Cynthia Ann Lease
The Rise of the Socialist Party in France: A Study of the National Relevance of Local Elections as Illustrated by Lyon, Nantes and Rennes, Heather Allison Lehr
Privateering in the Colonial Chesapeake, David Alan Lester
A Kinetic Study of the Oxidative Addition of Simple Alkylvinyl Triflates to Tetrakis (Triphenylphosphine) Platinum(O), C. P. Desmond Longford
Heraldic Symbolism and Color Imagery in William Morris's "The Defence of Guenevere and Other Poems", June Graybeal Lubowinski
Local density approximation study of transition andf-electron materials, Zhi Wei Lu
United States-Colombian Negotiations on Narcotics Control 1975-1980, Meghan Mary Malloy
The Standing Stock of Organic Matter in a Man-Made Brackish Marsh and its Resource Management Implications, Pamela Anne Mason
Factors affecting persistence of re-entry women at an urban state university, Carolyn Sheriff Mayfield
Effects of Mood State on Memory for Positive, Negative, Neutral, and Humorous Phrases in College Students, Cecile Burford McAninch
The Influence of Salinity on the Swimming Behavior of Larval Crassostrea virginica (Gmelin), Kevin J. McCarthy
Bishop William Rollinson Whittingham: Growth in the Protestant Episcopal Church in Maryland, 1840-1850, Monica E. McConnaghy
White Democracy, Racism, and Black Disfranchisement: North Carolina in the 1830's, Elizabeth Hathhorn McGehee
A Study of Classical and Modern Conservatism: The Political Thought of Edmund Burke and Michale Oakeshott, David Robert Michael Melding
Organization and Role: Conception and Measurement, Jennifer A. Mooney
Palatability of Freshwater Surface Hemiptera to Potential Fish Predators (Lepomis macrochirus and Gambusia affinis), Julie Heyward Mounts
A descriptive study of sex-trait stereotypes of lay church members for women clergy, Loretta A. Mueller
Land-Use in Richmond, Virginia, 1880, 1910, 1940, David Ray Newcomb
Joseph E Johnston and the defense of Richmond, Steven H. Newton
Distribution Analysis of Heavy Minerals on the Inner Continental Shelf of Virginia, Hakan Ozalpasan
The Korean Student Movement: The Mobilization Process, Byeong Chul Ben Park
Ordering Events in a Distributed System: A Performance Evaluation, Jeffrey E. Payne
Peter Taylor's Fictional Memoirs, Scott Peeples
Cannibalism Experiments with the Blue Crab (Callinectes sapidus Rathbun): Potential Effects of Size and Abundance, Christopher A. Peery
Coping with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: A Manual for Parents and Teachers, Christine H. A. Peterson
"In a Language Not His": Reader-Response Criticism and "Light in August", Kathy Lynn Pippert
Distribution of the Heterogeneous Hemocyanin Subunits of Callinestes sapidus (Rathbun) along a Salinity Gradient, Julie Sayre Rainer
Subsurface Hydrodynamics and Nutrient Exchange within an Extensive Tidal Freshwater Wetland, William G. Reay
Structure and Function of Crustacean Hemocyaninis, John Edwin Reese
Small-kernel image restoration, Stephen Edward Reichenbach