
Submissions from 2001


Stomach Content Analysis Of Cobia, Rachycentron Canadum, From Lower Chesapeake Bay, Michael D. Arendt, John E. Olney, and Jon A. Lucy


Swimming mechanics and behavior of the shallow-water brief squid Lolliguncula brevis, Ian K. Bartol, Mark R. Patterson, and Roger L. Mann


The Effects Of A Regulatory Gear Restriction On The Recruiting Year Class In The Sea Scallop, Placopecten Magellanicus (Gmelin, 1791), Fishery, JC Brust, WD DuPaul, and JE Kirkley


Variation in top-down and bottom-up control of marine bivalves at differing spatial scales, Rochelle D. Seitz and Rom Lipcius

Submissions from 2000


A Comparison Of Size Selectivity And Relative Efficiency Of Sea Scallop, Placopecten Magellanicus (Gmelin, 1791), Trawls And Dredges, David Rudders, WD Dupaul, and JE Kirkley


Actin Gene Family Evolution and the Phylogeny of Coleoid Cephalopods (Mollusca: Cephalopoda), David B. Carlini, Kimberly S. Reece, and John Graves


Estimates of naked Goby (Gobiosoma bosc), striped blenny (Chasmodes bosquianus) and Eastern oyster (Crassostrea virginica) larval production around a restored Chesapeake Bay oyster reef, JM Harding and Roger L. Mann


Feeding Habits of Young-of-Year Striped Bass Morone saxatilis, and White Perch, Morone american in lower James River, VA, Paul J. Rudershausen and Joseph G. Loesch


Joint effects of larval dispersal, population regulation, marine reserve design, and exploitation on production and recruitment in the Caribbean spiny lobster, WT Stockhausen, Rom Lipcius, and BM Hickey


Oyster Reef Restoration: Convergence Of Harvest And Conservation Strategies, DL Breitburg, LD Coen, Mark Luckenbach, Roger L. Mann, M Posey, and J. A. Wesson


Reconstruction of ancestral character states in neocoleoid cephalopods based on parsimony, Michael Vecchione, Richard E. Young, and David B. Carlini


Restoring The Oyster Reef Communities In The Chesapeake Bay: A Commentary, Roger L. Mann

Submissions from 1999


Age, Growth, Longevity, And Mortality Of Blackcheek Tonguefish, Symphurus Plagiusa (Cynoglossidae : Pleuronectiformes), In Chesapeake Bay, Virginia, Mark R. Terwilliger and Thomas A. Munroe


Correspondence between environmental gradients and summer littoral fish assemblages in low salinity reaches of the Chesapeake Bay, USA, CM Wagner and HM Austin


Fish species richness in relation to restored oyster reefs, Piankatank River, Virginia, JM Harding and Roger L. Mann


Morphometric Separation Of Annual Cohorts Within Mid-Atlantic Bluefish, Pomatomus Saltatrix, Using Discriminant Function Analysis, Herbert Austin, Daniel Scoles, and Allison J. Abell


Observations On The Biology Of The Veined Rapa Whelk, Rapana Venosa (Valenciennes, 1846) In The Chesapeake Bay, Juliana Harding and Roger L. Mann


Ontogenetic changes in habitat use by postlarvae and young juveniles of the blue crab, RA Pardieck, R J. Orth, R. J. Diaz, and Rom Lipcius


Phylogenetic analysis of cytochrome c oxidase I sequences to determine higher-level relationships within the coleoid cephalopods, DB Carlin and John Graves

Submissions from 1998


Blue Crab Resources In Other Countries: Implications For The US Industry, Michael J. Oesterling


Estimation Of Oyster, Crassostrea Virginica, Standing Stock, Larval Production And Advective Loss In Relation To Observed Recruitment In The James River, Virginia, Roger L. Mann and David A. Evans


Evaluation Of Toxicity Of Oxytetracycline On Growth Of Captive Nurse Sharks, Ginglymostoma Cirratum, James Gelsleichter, Enric Cortes, Charles A. Manire, R. Hueter, and John Musick


Global Phylogeography Of Mackerels Of The Genus Scomber, Daniel Scoles, Bruce B. Collette, and John Graves


Molecular insights into the population structures of cosmopolitan marine fishes, John Graves


Ontogenetic diet shifts in Nassau grouper: Trophic linkages and predatory impact, DB Eggleson, JJ Grover, and Rom Lipcius


Oyster Reef Broodstock Enhancement In The Great Wicomico River, Virginia, Melissa Southworth and Roger L. Mann


Spatiotemporal variation in postlarval recruitment of the Caribbean spiny lobster in the central Bahamas: lunar and seasonal periodicity, spatial coherence, and wind forcing, DB Eggleston, Rom Lipcius, LS Marshall, and SG Ratchford

Submissions from 1997


Cannibalism, refugia and the molting blue crab, CH Ryer, J vanMontfrans, and KE Moody


Genetic Divergence And Loss Of Diversity In Two Cultured Populations Of The Bay Scallop, Argopecten Irradians (Lamarck, 1819), Sandra G. Blake, Norman J. Blake, Michael Oesterling, and John Graves


Introduction to the proceedings of the symposium Fish Larvae and Systematics: Ontogeny and relationships, JM Leis, JE Olney, and M Okiyama


Larvae of Gillellus jacksoni, G-uranidea (Dactyloscopidae), Stathmonotus stahli tekla, and S-hemphilli (Chaenopsidae), with comments on the use of early life history characters for elucidating relationships within the Blennioidei, MR Cavalluzzi


Potential For Population Regulation Of The Zebra Mussel By Finfish And The Blue Crab In North American Estuaries, Larry C. Boles and Rom Lipcius


Predator and shelter-size effects on coral reef fish and spiny lobster prey, DB Eggleston, Rom Lipcius, and JJ Grover


Small-scale settlement patterns of the oyster Crassostrea virginica on a constructed intertidal reef, IK Bartol and Roger L. Mann


The postlarval phase of bivalve mollusks: A review of functional ecology and new records of postlarval drifting of Chesapeake Bay bivalves, P Baker and Roger L. Mann


Trophic studies on constructed “restored” oyster reefs, Roger L. Mann and Juliana Harding


Yield-Per-Recruit Analysis And Management Strategies For Atlantic Croaker, Micropogonias Undulatus, In The Middle Atlantic Bight, Luiz R. Barbieri, Mark E. Chittenden, and Cynthia M. Jones

Submissions from 1996


A Retrospective Time Series Analysis Of Oyster, Crassostrea Virginica, Recruitment (1946-1993), Herbert Austin, David Evans, and Dexter Haven


Demographic Analysis Of The Sandbar Shark, Carcharhinus Plumbeus In The Western North Atlantic, TR Sminkey and JA Musick


Effects of the June 1995 Freshet on The Main Virginia Tributaries to the Chesapeake Bay, Herbert M. Austin and Christopher F. Bonzek


Mitochondrial DNA Diversity And Divergence Among Sharpnose Sharks, Rhizoprionodon Terraenovae, From The Gulf Of Mexico And Mid-Atlantic Bight, Edward J. Heist, John Musick, and John Graves

Submissions from 1995


Age And Growth Of Weakfish, Cynoscion Regalis, In The Chesapeake Bay-Region With A Discussion Of Historical Changes In Maximum Size, Susan K. Lowerre-Barbieri, Mark E. Chittenden, and Luiz R. Barbieri


An Analysis Of Weekly Fluctuations In Catchability Coefficients, Steven M. Atran and Joseph G. Loesch


Do Striped Bass and Blue Crab Abundances Correlate in Chesapeake Bay?, Thomas C. Mosca III, Paul J. Rudershausen, and Rom Lipcius


Early recruitment and growth of the American oyster Crassostrea virginica (Bivalvia: Ostreidae) with respect to tidal zonation and season, GC Roegner and Roger L. Mann


Mitochondrial-DNA variation in the bay scallop, Argopecten-irradians (Lamarck, 1819), and the Atlantic calico scallop, Argopecten-Gibbus (Linnaeus, 1758), Sandra G. Blake and John Graves


Settlement indices for blue crab megalopae in the York River, Virginia: Temporal relationships and statistical efficiency, KS Metcalfe, J van Montfrans, and Rom Lipcius


Settlement of blue crab postlarvae in western North Atlantic estuaries, J van Montfrans, CE Epifano, DM Knott, R M. Lipcius, and et al

Submissions from 1994


A Comparison Of A Validated Otolith Method To Age Weakfish, Cynoscion-Regalis, With The Traditional Scale Method, Luiz R. Barbieri, Mark E. Chittenden, and Susan K. Lowerre-Barbieri


Age, Growth, And Mortality Of Atlantic Croaker, Micropogonias-Undulatus, In The Chesapeake Bay-Region, With A Discussion Of Apparent Geographic Changes In Population-Dynamics, Luiz R. Barbieri, Mark E. Chittenden, and Cynthia M. Jones


Description of metamorphic phases in the oyster Crassostrea virginica and effects of hypoxia on metamorphosis, SM Baker and Roger L. Mann


Experimental Monitoring Of Virginia Artificial Reefs Using Fishermen Catch Data, JA Lucy and CG Barr


Interannual Variation In The Recruitment Pattern And Abundance Of Age-0 Summer Flounder, Paralichthys-Dentatus, In Virginia Estuaries, Brenda L. Norcross and David M. Wyanski


Maturity, Spawning, And Ovarian Cycle Of Atlantic Croaker, Micropogonias-Undulatus, In The Chesapeake Bay And Adjacent Coastal Waters, Luiz R. Barbieri, Mark E. Chittenden, and Susan K. Lowerre-Barbieri


Morphometric And Genetic Identification Of Eggs Of Spring-Spawning Sciaenids In Lower Chesapeake Bay, Louis B. Daniel III and John Graves


Reproductive Activity Of Oysters, Crassostrea-Virginica (Gmelin, 1791) In The James River, Virginia, During 1987-1988, Roger L. Mann, Julia S. Rainer, and Reinaldo Morales-Alamo


Survival of juvenile Caribbean spiny lobster: effects of shelter size, geographic location and conspecific abundance, JD Mintz, Rom Lipcius, DB Eggleson, and MS Seebo


Technical Efficiency, Biological Considerations, And Management And Regulation Of The Sea-Scallop, Placopecten-Magellanicus (Gmelin, 1791) Fishery, James E. Kirkley and William D. DuPaul

Submissions from 1993


Age, Growth, And Reproduction Of Tautog Tautoga-Onitis (Labridae, Perciformes) From Coastal Waters Of Virginia, E. Brian Hostetter and Thomas A. Munroe


A New Method Of Oocyte Separation And Preservation For Fish Reproduction Studies, Susan K. Lowerre-Barbieri and Luiz R. Barbieri


Estimation Of Oyster Shell Surface-Area Using Regression Equations Derived From Aluminum Foil Molds, Reinaldo Morales-Alamo


Evaluation Of In-Situ Silhouette Photography In Investigations Of Estuarine Zooplankton And Ichthyoplankton, JE Olney and ED Houde


Identification And Distribution Of Urophycis And Phycis (Pisces, Gadidae) Larvae And Pelagic Juveniles In The United-States Middle Atlantic Bight, Bruce H. Comyns and George C. Grant


Index of papers published in the Proceedings of the National Shellfisheries Association, Roger Mann, Elaine M. Lynch, Michael Castagna, Bernadita M. Campos, and Nancy Lewis


Phylogeny Of Lampridiform Fishes, JE Olney, GD Johnson, and CC Baldwin


Phylogeny Of The Epinephelinae (Teleostei, Serranidae), CC Baldwin and GD Johnson


Spatial And Temporal Occurrence Of Spanish Mackerel Scomberomorus-Maculatus In Chesapeake Bay, Mark E. Chittenden, Luiz R. Barbieri, and Cynthia M. Jones

Submissions from 1992


A comparison of methods for calculating condition index in eastern oysters Crassostrea virginica (Gmelin, 1791), Julia S. Rainier and Roger L. Mann


Age, Growth, And Reproduction Of The Goosefish Lophius-Americanus (Pisces, Lophiiformes), Michael P. Armstrong, John Musick, and James A. Colvocoresses


A Genetic-Analysis Of Weakfish Cynoscion-Regalis Stock Structure Along The Mid-Atlantic Coast, John Graves, Jan McDowell, and M. Lisa Jones


Annular Growth Layers In Juvenile Loggerhead Turtles (Caretta-caretta), RC Klinger and JA Musick


Artificial Shelters And Survival Of Juvenile Caribbean Spiny Lobster Panulirus-Argus - Spatial, Habitat, And Lobster Size Effects, David B. Eggleston, Rom Lipcius, and DL Miller


Comparison of Condition Index (K) of Spot (Leiostomus xanthurus) from the Elizabeth and York Rivers, Virginia, Kinloch Nelson and Herbert M. Austin


Density-dependent predation by blue crabs upon infaunal clam species with contrasting distribution and abundance patterns, DB Eggleston, Rom Lipcius, and AH Hines


Effects of Hypoxia and Anoxia on Larval Settlement, Juvenile Growth, and Juvenile Survival of the Oyster Crassostrea virginica, SM Baker and Roger L. Mann


Index of papers published in the Journal of Shellfish Research Volume 1-10 (1981-1991), Michael Castagna, Nancy Lewis, Charles McFadden, and Mary Gibbons


Relationship of habitat and spatial scale with physiological state and settlement of blue crab postlarvae in Chesapeake Bay, KS Metcalf and Rom Lipcius


Shelter Selection By Spiny Lobster Under Variable Predation Risk, Social Conditions, And Shelter Size, DB Eggleston and Rom Lipcius


Stock Structure Of The Bluefish Pomatomus-Saltatrix Along The Mid-Atlantic Coast, John Graves, Jan McDowell, Ana M. Beardsley, and Daniel Scoles


Temporal and spatial changes in fecundity of eastern oysters, Crassostrea virginica (Gmelin, 1791) in the James River, Virginia, Carrollyn Cox and Roger L. Mann

Submissions from 1991


A Larva Of The Poorly Known Serranid Fish Jeboehlkia-Gladifer (Teleostei, Serranidae, Epinephelinae), Carol C. Baldwin and G. David Johnson


Automated Enumeration By Computer Digitization Of Age-O Weakfish Cynoscion-Regalis Scale Circuli, Stephen T. Szedimayer, Margaret M. Szedimayer, and Michael E. Sieracki


Chaetognatha From The Central And Southern Middle Atlantic Bight - Species Composition, Temperature-Salinity Relationships, And Interspecific Associations, George C. Grant


Density-dependent foraging and mutual interference in blue crabs preying upon infaunal clams, RA Mansour and Rom Lipcius


Distribution Of Striped Bass Morone-Saxatilis (Walbaum) Eggs And Larvae In Major Virginia Rivers, George C. Grant and John E. Olney


Effect Of Neutral Red Stain On Settlement Ability Of Oyster Pediveligers, Crassostrea Virginica, Patrick Baker


Gametogenic cycle of sea scallops (Placopecten magellanicus (Gmelin, 1791)) in the mid-Atlantic Bight, A. C. Schmitzer, W. D. duPaul, and J. E. Kirkley


Genetic Variation in the Timing of Gonadal Maturation and Spawning of the Eastern Oyster, Crassostrea virginica (Gmelin), Bruce J. Barber, Susan E. Ford, and Robert N. Wargo


Larvae Of Diploprion-bifasciatum, Belonoperca-chabanaudi And Grammistes-sexlineatus (Serranidae, Epinephelinae) With A Comparison Of Known Larvae Of Other Epinephelines, CC Baldwin, GD Johnson, and PL Colin


Mass Migration of Juvenile Queen Conch (Strombus gigas) in the Bahamas, Romauld Lipcius, Alan Stoner, Livingston S. Marshall Jr., and Ana T. Bardales


Parasite Fauna Of 3 Species Of Antarctic Whales With Reference To Their Use As Potential Stock Indicators, Murray D. Dailey and Wolfgang K. Vogelbein


Potential Predation On Fish Eggs By The Lobate Ctenophore Mnemiopsis-Leidyi Within And Outside The Chesapeake Bay Plume, John J. Govoni and John E. Olney


Reproduction, Age And Growth, And Movements Of The Gulf Butterfish Peprilus-Burti, Michael D. Murphy and Mark E. Chittenden


Sterile Triploid Crassostrea virginica (Gmelin, 1791) Grow Faster Than Diploids But Are Equally Susceptible To Perkinsus marinus, Bruce J. Barber and Roger L. Mann


Susceptibility Of Diploid And Triploid Pacific Oysters, Crassostrea Gigas (Thunberg, 1793) And Eastern Oysters, Crassostrea virginica (Gmelin, 1791), To Perkinsus marinus, Judith A. Meyers, Eugene M. Burreson, Bruce J. Barber, and Roger L. Mann


Swimming rate and responses of larvae of three mactrid bivalves to salinity discontinuities, R Mann, BM Campos, and MW Luckenbach


Temporal Variations In Spawning Behavior Of Sea Scallops, Placopecten magellanicus (Gmelin, 1791), In The Mid-Atlantic Resource Area, James E. Kirkley and William D. DuPaul


The Decline Of The Virginia Oyster Fishery In Chesapeake Bay Considerations For Introduction Of A Non-Endemic Species, Crassostrea gigas (Thunberg, 1793), Roger L. Mann, Eugene M. Burreson, and Patrick K. Baker

Submissions from 1990


Automated enumeration by computer digitization of age-0 weakfish Cynoscion regalis scale circuli, Stephen T. Szedlmayer, Margaret M. Szedlmayer, and Michael E. Sieracki


Biochemical Genetics Of Southern California Basses Of The Genus Paralabrax - Specific Identification Of Fresh And Ethanol-Preserved Individual Eggs And Early Larvae, John Graves, Michelle J. Curtis, Paul A. Oeth, and Robin S. Waples