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The Columbia-Quantico synform is a prominent fold structure within the Central Piedmont. It is characterized by folded foliation in porphyroblastic schist, a unit within the Quantico Formation, as well as mica and amphibolite gneisses. Meta-sedimentary units that compose the synform overly older meta-volcanic materials of the Chopawamsic Formation. The contact between units of the Columbia-Quantico and the Chopawamsic meta-volcanics is not tectonic. The structure is broadly synformal and plunges gently to the northeast though there are accessory anticlinal features especially to the southeast of the fold hinge. Metamorphic grade of meta-sedimentary and meta-volcanic units increases from garnet to sillimanite grade, northwest to southeast across the structure. A family of Mesozoic, en-echelon diabase dikes that trend north, northeast as well as a regional joint set crosscut the structure.

Date Awarded




Advisor 1

Christopher M. Bailey
