Government Faculty Work | Government | William & Mary


Submissions from 2024


The Body in Pieces: Towards a Feminist Phenomenology of Violence, Archana Kaku

Submissions from 2023


“Because He Is Gay”: How Race, Gender, and Sexuality Shape Perceptions of Judicial Fairness, Mackenzie Israel-Trummel


Creating New Knowledge with Undergraduate Students: Institutional Incentives and Faculty Agency, Kelebogile Zvobgo, Paula M. Pickering, Jamie E. Settle, and Michael J. Tierney


Race and Racial Exclusion in Security Studies: A Survey of Scholars, Kelebogile Zvobgo, Arturo C. Sotomayor, Maria Rost Rublee, Meredith Loken, and et al.

Submissions from 2022


Black Lives, White Kids: White Parenting Practices Following Black-Led Protests, Allison P. Anoll, Andrew M. Engelhardt, and Mackenzie Israel-Trummel


Contact and Context: How Municipal Traffic Stops Shape Citizen Character, Allison P. Anoll, Derek A. Epp, and Mackenzie Israel-Trummel


Media coverage of Muslims: Introduction and overview, Erik Bleich and A. Maurits van der Veen


The cash crop revolution, colonialism and economic reorganization in Africa, Philip Roessler, Yannick I. Pengl, Robert Marty, Kyle Sorlie Titlow, and Nicholas van de Walle

Submissions from 2021


Biopluralism, Disability, and Democratic Politics, Claire McKinney

Submissions from 2020


Cyber Threats and NATO 2030: Horizon Scanning and Analysis, A. Ertan, Kathryn H. Floyd, P. Pernik, and T. Stevens

Submissions from 2018


SMS texts on corruption help Ugandan voters hold elected councillors accountable at the polls, Mark T. Buntaine, Ryan Jablonski, Daniel L. Nielson, and Paula M. Pickering

Submissions from 2017


Moving forward with time series analysis, Peter K. Enns, Nathan J. Kelly, Takaaki Masaki, and Patrick C. Wohlfarth

Submissions from 2015


Genes, psychological traits and civic engagement, Christopher T. Dawes, Jaime E. Settle, Peter John Loewen, and Matt McGue

Submissions from 2013


Yahtzee: An Anonymized Group Level Matching Procedure, Jason J. Jones, Robert M. Bond, Christopher J. Fariss, and Jaime E. Settle


Regime Change and Conflict Recidivism within Rivalry: Interludes in Disputes, Bann Seng Tang

Submissions from 2012


Civil war: is it all about disease and xenophobia? A comment on Letendre, Fincher & Thornhill, Cullen S. Hendrix, Kristian Skrede Gleditsch, and Kristian Skrede Gleditsch