Theses/Dissertations from 2024
Americans In Algiers: How Captivity Bridged The Atlantic And Ottoman Worlds, Pierce Monahan
Colonial Williamsburg At Carter’s Grove / Decolonizing Colonial Williamsburg, Sarah Colleen Carrington
Confluences Of Power / “That The Water Shall Remain Smooth”, Zoë Packel
From The Ground Up: Practical Gardens And Horticultural Knowledge In Early America, Holly Gruntner
Inappropriate Settlers And East End Heathens: The Philanthropic Abduction Of The British Home Children, Jamie Marie Lukow
‘In A State Of Flight’: Mobility, Freedom, And The Law In The Haitian Revolutionary Diaspora, 1791-1830, Frances Rebecca Bell
"Of Colonial And Historic Flavor": Food And Memory In Williamsburg, Virginia, Marie Pellissier
Selling Irish Republicanism: Alliances, Culture, And Ideology, 1970-2000, Samantha Renee Haddad
Social Souls / Faith, Culture, And Cognition, Lucy Knox
Stars Spangled Swastikas: The Dangerous Of American Nazi Organizations In The 1930S, Grace Christiana Brooks
The Crisis Of 1637 And The Making Of Colonial New England, Anne Powell
The Spyglass And The Mirror: The Intelligence State In Conflict And Crisis During The War Of The Spanish Succession, Brandon Wayne Dylan Munda
To Hope For A Better Future: Haiti As A Symbol Of Black Excellence In Early Nineteenth-Century America, Ethan Cooke
Two Essays On The History Of England And West Africa C. 1550-1670, Giacomo Francesco Green
When The Declaration Of Independence Was News, Emily Jane Sneff
Words Have Meaning, Choose Them Carefully: Language And The Obfuscation Of Women’s Contributions To American Warfare, Gabrielle Stephanie Granger Pressley
Theses/Dissertations from 2023
Convincing The Lady / The Charms Of Our Sex, Taylor Marie Garrison
"Glory To The English And Protestant Name": Protestant Hegemony In Seventeenth And Eighteenth-Century Rhode Island, Mark Mulligan
Material Bodies: Race, Gender, And Women In The Early American South, Morgan McCullough
Printing The Pacific: How American Writers Set The Terms For Pacific-American Relations In The Nineteenth Century, Travis Hiram Lee
Racing For Rights And Peace / Defeating Massive Resistance And The Color Of Memory, Rebekah Lyndsey Toussaint
The Divine Act Of Creation: Gravier’s Dictionary (1640-1710) And Women’s Embroidery In The Early Republic (1800-1870), Kathryn Michelle Looff
Travelogues And Oral Traditions / Sailors, Servants, And Slaves, Dylan Holzer
Unwoven Empire: A Not-So-Natural History Of Environmental Racism And The Transatlantic Slave Trade, Sidney Rose McCall
Women In The Records Of The Virginia Company Of London, Martha Louise Reiner
Theses/Dissertations from 2022
A Cherokee Sword And Shield / Crying For Blood, Emily Dixon Magness
Anticipation And Invention: Ideology And Intellectual History From London To Vienna, 1700-1900, Yasmeen Iman Raffee
Arctic Assimilation: Settler Colonialism And Racialization In The Canadian Arctic And Carlisle Indian Industrial School, Samantha Kramer
Clear-Cut Blues: Violence, Culture, And Labor In The Jim Crow Piney Woods, 1870-1925, David Marquis
Constitutionality, Compassion, And Convenience / The Consolidation Of Liberty, Evan Riley Stewart
Franklin, Nature, And Authority / Domesticating Pirates, Sydney Sweat-Montoya
'Great Weights Hang By Small Wires': Households And The Making Of The British Empire, C.1650-1713, Phillip Louis Emanuel
Inside And Out / Dawnland Power, Aidan Kolenik
Macao, Manila, And The Spanish Empire / Litigious Women Religious, Ashley Marie Smouse
Machines On The Farm: Capitalism And Technology In Midwestern Agriculture, 1845-1900, James Jonathan Rick
Seen And Unseen Friends: Becoming Global Citizens In The U.S. Empire, 1914-1941, Katherine Cartwright
Settlement And Sediment / Segregation And Solidarity, Maxxe R. Albert-Deitch
Spirits Of Settler Colonialism / The Luck Of Jesse Fish, Jenna Lee Hardin
The Age Of Eugenics: Exploring Intersections Of Race, Disability, And Eugenics In United States Culture, 1850-1950, Jessica Brabble
The British Invasions Of Rio De La Plata. An Atlantic History. 1806-7, Micaela Miralles Bianconi
The Maritime Frontier: Fear And Forts In Early Modern Anglo-American Seaport Towns, Samuel Aldred Slattery
The People Of The Bay: Native Society And Alliance In The Green Bay Region, 1650–1750, Ian Edward Tonat
The Tides Of Time: Temporality And Science In The British Atlantic, Andrew Abrams
Theses/Dissertations from 2021
19Th Century Womanhood In The News: Civil War Women Soldiers And The Early Republic Advice Column “The Ladies’ Friend”, Thalia Maria Chrysathis
A Meaningful Subjection: Kingly Government, Coercive Inequality, And Diplomacy In The North American Eastern Woodlands, 1000-1625 A.D., Peter Jakob Olsen-Harbich
Credit Is Due: African Americans As Borrowers And Lenders In Antebellum Virginia, Amanda White Gibson
“Fighting Without Firing”/ “My Fellow Slaves”, Kevin Michael Fowler
From Cause To Curiosity: The Underground Railroad And Abolitionism In American Memory, 1865-1945, Mark Thomas Guerci
Landscapes Of Freedom: Restoring The History Of Emancipation & Black Citizenship In Yorktown, Virginia, 1861-1940, Rebecca Capobianco Toy
Marketing Agencies For Science: Nonprofits, Public Science Education, And Capitalism In Modern America, Kasey Marie Sease
The Intersection Of Activism And Black Memory: Space, Memory, And Resistance In John Mitchell, Jr.’s Woodland Cemetery And Remembering Emancipation In Hampton Roads, 1917-1963, Timothy Allen Case
To Surrender Their Aspirations And Hopes / Animals Gone Astray, Kai R. Werner
Ulysses S. Grant In Popular Memory / Jewish Quotas At Elite Universities, Shea Simmons
Virginia Society's Response/ Fancy Fantasy, Peighton Lynsey Young
Theses/Dissertations from 2020
A Blanket Of Smoke Over Urban America/Caddies On Early American Golf Courses, Kathleen Loretta Boyce
Across The Atlantic To Jamaica: Enslavement And Cultural Transformations Of The Gold Coast Diaspora During The 18th Century, Phillip Bancroft Nicholas
“An Uncharted Narrative”/“Every Scotchman, Tory, And Jacobite”, Rebecca Albers
Continuities In Native New England: Knowledge In And Of The Atlantic World, 1634-1675, Yusuf Mansoor
Fraught Labor, Fragile Authority: Households In Motion In Early New England, Caylin Carbonell
Gendered Societies, Sexual Empires: French Colonization Among The Illinois, Michaela Y. Kleber
“Hold For Investigation”: Minnie Atkins And The Contestation Of Indigeneity In The Nineteenth And Twentieth Centuries, Kayla Marie Pittman
Memory As A Tool Of Resignification/"The Contested Nature Of Constructing National Identity", Tyler Jordan Goldberger
“Rather Than Be Suffered To Perish”/The Gendered Language Of Revolution, Elliot Warren
"The Role Of Knowledge In Commodification" / Reconceptualizing The Early Modern Dutch Atlantic, Jennifer Ashley Motter
Thomas Paine/“Base Poltroon And Cowardly Tale-Bearers”, Phillip Dudeck
“Those Claiming The Rights Of Freemen Are Themselves The Most Execrable Of Tyrants” / A Taste For Empire, Bennett Herson-Roeser
“Unoccupied And Of A Valuable Kind”/“Dry As The Blood Of Its Builders”, Justin Tyler Estreicher
Unsettling The Little House/Pellegrino Artusi, Italian Cookbooks, And (Northern) Nationalism, Brielle Virginia Popolla
Virginia House Painters 1750-1840/Shad, Herring, And Slavery In The Chesapeake Bay And Albemarle Sound, Jenna Hershberger
“Will-With-The-Wisp”/“May Possibly Pretend To Be A Free Woman”, Tamia Kyana Haygood
Theses/Dissertations from 2019
A School for Leaders: Continental Army Officer Training and Civilian Leadership in the Trans-Appalachian West, David Lawrence Ward
Influencing Empire: Protest And Persuasion In The Stamp Act Period, Molly FitzGerald Perry
Theses/Dissertations from 2018
An Order to Society/A Place Where "You Can Live Freedom", James Franklin Lowe
Bound among Nations: Labor Coercion in the Seventeenth-Century Caribbean, Casey Schmitt
"By the Dear, Immortal Memory of Washington"/The Baptists, Culture, and the Law in Eighteenth-Century Virginia, Douglas Breton
Community and Culture: Material Life in Shenandoah County, Virginia, 1750-1850, Sarah E. Thomas
Constructing the Non-Western 'Other': Euro-American Interpretations of Race and Gender Among Colonial and Indigenous Subjects, Amy Marie Trostle
Corrupting the Mother Tongue/Broken Constitutions, Megan Whirley
Education Reform in the New American Republic/education and the Charity of Edward Hopkins, Christina L. Beck
Heathen Men and Publicans': Excommunicates, Church Discipline and the Struggle for Freedom of Conscience, 1730-1840, Samuel Spencer Wells
History of Prostitution/Vampires in the American Republic, Shannon Elizabeth Christensen
Literary Continuities/Imperative Education, Jane Snyder
Making a Home Out of No Home: ‘Colored’ Orphan Asylums in Virginia, 1867–1930, August Butler
Memories in Stone/Reconstructing the Street, Samuel C. Florer
"Miss Rebecca Story's Book" / "Marrying a Minnister", Anne Catherine Powell
Settler Colonialism in Russian America/Alaska and the Indian Reform Movement, Ian Lee Halter
Strategic Representations of Black Women in Late Eighteenth and Early Nineteenth-Century Masculine British Print, Joan Elizabeth Jockel
The Family Politic: Free African American Gender and Belonging, 1793-1865, Elizabeth Joyce Wood
The Public Face(s) of Albinia Hobart, Countess of Buckinghamshire/"The Shop on the Corner of Wing's Lane", Alexandra Macdonald
These Graves and Ruinous Houses/So Pertinacious Has Been the Misery, Maddison Jane Rhoa
Watchful Waiting / Money Bags and Cannon Balls, William Sutherland