"Examination of Noninvasive Alternatives to Blood Pressure Waveform Mea" by William E. Lawrence

Date Thesis Awarded


Access Type

Honors Thesis -- Access Restricted On-Campus Only

Degree Name

Bachelors of Science (BS)




John Delos

Committee Members

Gina Hoatson

William Cooke

Lawrence Leemis


Preterm infants are at an elevated risk for a number of medical conditions including shock. Continuous monitoring of the blood pressure (BP) waveform can allow for early detection of such conditions. However, BP is monitored invasively using an arterial catheter. To examine possible non-invasive alternatives, we used ECG, SPO2, and BP data collected from 14 infants at the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) in Veldhoven, Holland. One hour's worth of data was randomly selected to analyze from the second and penultimate days of each baby's stay. Using the BP waveform together with the ECG, we calculated the R-peak to BP-trough time (RTT), BP-trough-to-peak time (PW), and BP amplitude (A). Using the SPO2 and ECG data, which can be taken continuously and non-invasively, we calculated the corresponding quantities for the SPO2 waveform (sRTT, sPW, and sA). We then calculated the correlations between each pair of quantities and between each quantity and systolic, diastolic, and average BP. We observed little correlation between corresponding wave components and little consistent correlation between SPO2-derived variables and BP. However, sRTT showed a consistently strong negative correlation with A and PW over both hours analyzed. Because these correlations decreased consistently in absolute value over each babies stay, we they could be markers of illness. Despite this, the clinical significance of these correlations is limited, and future work will focus on searching for correlates of BP that are functions of multiple SPO2- and ECG-derived quantities.

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