"Development of Novel Chemical Strategies to Modulate Biological Functi" by Diya M. Uthappa

Date Thesis Awarded


Access Type

Honors Thesis -- Access Restricted On-Campus Only

Degree Name

Bachelors of Science (BS)




Douglas Young

Committee Members

Paul Heideman

Margaret Saha

Randolph Coleman


This research involves the development of novel chemical strategies to modulate biological function. This approach has taken multiple forms. First, the site-specific incorporation of unnatural amino acids (UAAs) was utilized to develop a novel labeling strategy. Further, the site-specific incorporation of a photocaged UAA was used to control protein activity. Next, solid-supported Glaser-Hay couplings were utilized to efficiently synthesize natural products and to create a library of polyynes, which are molecules containing multiple conjugated acetylenic units. These synthesized molecules were then screened for biological activities. Overall, this thesis discusses the development of these chemical strategies, which contribute additional levels of sophistication to proffer control over biological function. Studying mechanisms to control biological function is critical, as they have potential downstream medical applications in diagnosis, disease prevention, and disease treatment.

On-Campus Access Only
