"Patients, Prose, and Poetry: The Medical and Literary World of William" by Sarah Heins

Date Thesis Awarded


Access Type

Honors Thesis -- Access Restricted On-Campus Only

Degree Name

Bachelors of Arts (BA)




Christopher MacGowan

Committee Members

Robert Scholnick

Henry Hart

Beverly Sher


In his careers as both an influential writer and practicing physician, William Carlos Williams united two worlds and transcended the boundary between science and imagination. This paper examines Williams’s medical narratives and analyzes their exploration of the doctor-patient exchange—specifically focusing its inherent complexities of communication brought about by conflicts between professionalism, empathy, authority, observation, science, emotion, and their underlying tensions. Through studying Williams's writings, this paper aims to achieve a deeper understanding of how he portrays physicians and their clients navigating a complex relationship, and how Williams's dual careers came together to impact his own medical experiences and his parallel literary endeavors.

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