"From Pain to Pillar: History and Identity Politics of Asian-American S" by Noah Kim

Date Thesis Awarded


Access Type

Honors Thesis -- Access Restricted On-Campus Only

Degree Name

Bachelors of Arts (BA)




Tomoko Hamada

Committee Members

Francis Tanglao-Aguas

Andrea Wright

Jonathan Glasser


With the Asian-American population growing at exponential rates, Asian-Americans are forced to face the reality of their place in society. As this processing of identity continues, more become passionate in their search, with some becoming empowered, others seek representation. But in the end, all the interviewees and those in my research sought a collective level movement. Though people were from all different walks to life, there was a sense of commonality and a recognition of the reality of the situation. While people recognized that the Asian-American identity was a socially constructed, there is also a strong sense of commonality that people recognize and grow, eager to remove the false label of the "model minority" label given in the socio-economic context of the contemporary United States. This is the birth of the Cultural Self Development phenomena.

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