"The Mexican Ex-Voto Tradition as a Potential Subversion of Authority" by Samantha Ros

Date Thesis Awarded


Access Type

Honors Thesis -- Access Restricted On-Campus Only

Degree Name

Bachelors of Arts (BA)


Art and Art History


Anne Williams

Committee Members

Betsy Konefal

Fabrício Prado

Cristina Stancioiu


Ex-votos are small devotional paintings, typically painted on tin using oil paint. The format of these works follows a recognizable formula, organized into three registers: an inscription, a central register dedicated to the earthly realm, and an uppermost register where the image of a holy figure is depicted. Ex-votos are commissioned in gratitude for divine intervention, or, less commonly, as a petition for miraculous intercession. This thesis examines Mexican ex-votos from the nineteenth and twentieth centuries and considers how their production, display, and content may undermine political dictates.

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On-Campus Access Only
