"Memory Suppression: The Importance of Baseline Learning for the Think/" by Curtis Rogers

Date Thesis Awarded


Access Type

Honors Thesis -- Open Access

Degree Name

Bachelors of Science (BS)




Christopher Ball

Committee Members

Randolph Coleman

Paul Kieffaber


Studies using the think/no-think task have never addressed the baselines they use throughout the experiment. This study's primary goal was to investigate the effect differing baselines for word-pair learning (50% vs. 75%) would have on the think/no-think task. A replication of Anderson and Greene’s 2001 study using the Think/No-Think task was performed using either a 50% or 75% baseline as a threshold for participants moving to the think/no-think phase of the experiment. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this study implemented the think/no-think task online. Recall was evaluated using same and independent-probe memory tests.

Firstly, this study replicated the think/no-think effect in online conditions. This replication of the think/no-think effect followed the inhibition model of memory suppression proposed by Anderson as it was seen in both the same-probe and independent-probe memory test. However, the repetition effect proposed by Anderson was not replicated consistently, bringing into question the application of the think/no-think task to broader theories.

Secondly, this study gave evidence recommending the 50% baseline as a better option for initial word pair learning compared to the 75% baseline to an increased think/no-think effect and lower data exclusion in the 50% baseline. These baselines also showed a potential rehearsal effect of initial learning seen in same-probe memory tests when using higher learning baselines.

Keywords: think/no-think task, suppression-induced forgetting, inhibition, baselines, online, memory suppression
