"Composite Gravity in Curved Spacetime" by Austin Batz

Date Thesis Awarded


Access Type

Honors Thesis -- Open Access

Degree Name

Bachelors of Science (BS)




Joshua Erlich

Committee Members

Sarah Day

Todd Averett


This work presents the development of a quantum theory of gravity motivated by diffeomorphism-invariance and background-independence. A composite graviton state that satisfies the linearized Einstein’s field equations has been identified via perturbative expansion about a curved vacuum spacetime. The emergence of this gravitational interaction is discussed, as well as cancellation of tadpoles and treatment of ultraviolet divergences via dimensional regularization. In other words, the formalism of quantum field theory is used to identify a gravitational interaction as an emergent phenomenon rather than as a fundamental aspect of nature. The lattice is proposed as a candidate for a physical regulator, and future directions of research are discussed.
