"Growth and Characterization of Gold Nanostructures Produced from Diato" by David A. Specht

Date Thesis Awarded


Access Type

Honors Thesis -- Access Restricted On-Campus Only

Degree Name

Bachelors of Science (BS)




Bill Cooke

Committee Members

Gina Hoatson

Randy Chambers


Silica nanostructures (frustules) grown by the algae Thalassiosira eccentrica can be used to template the production of regular arrays of supported gold nanodots, with sizes ranging from 30 to 50 nm. This growth is of particular interest because it represents a novel and efficient way to produce and distribute nanoparticles, particularly for applications in catalysis, and may demonstrate a value for a byproduct ash produced when diatomaceous algae is used to produce biofuel. Growth has been characterized by both SEM and AFM imagery. This growth of regular nanoparticles has also been demonstrated with carbon evaporation, and may be a means to produce similar structures using a diversity of materials. This research explores the explanation, replication, and potential applications of this phenomenon.

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On-Campus Access Only
