"Islamist Reactions to Coup D’états" by Maggie Manson

Date Thesis Awarded


Access Type

Honors Thesis -- Access Restricted On-Campus Only

Degree Name

Bachelors of Arts (BA)




Sharan Grewal

Committee Members

Kelebogile Zvobgo

Rani D. Mullen

Jonathan Glasser


In this piece I examine how Islamist parties respond to military coups that oust them from power, looking at why in some cases they remain nonviolent, and in others, they engage in violence. Through the identification of key similarities and differences between the cases of the Algerian FIS in 1991, the Turkish RP in 1997, and the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood/ FJP in 2013, I identify potential causal factors towards each case outcome. I focus especially on the Egyptian case, given the split outcome between violence and nonviolence. By connecting the causal link between the military coup and the outcome of violence or nonviolence in each case, I am able to demonstrate what leads to either outcome post-coup. For this piece I conducted in-depth case studies of the pre-coup contexts of these countries in order to determine the causes of violence or nonviolence.

On-Campus Access Only
