"GEANT4 Simulation of Detector Properties in the MOLLER Experiment" by Christopher R. Haufe

Date Thesis Awarded


Access Type

Honors Thesis -- Access Restricted On-Campus Only

Degree Name

Bachelors of Science (BS)




Wouter Deconinck

Committee Members

Gina Hoatson

Mark Hinders


To explore the existence of new physics beyond the scope of the electroweak theory, international collaborations of nuclear physicists have constructed several precision-measurement experiments. One of these is the MOLLER experiment---a low-energy parity violation experiment that will utilize the 12 GeV upgrade of Jefferson Lab's CEBAF accelerator. The motivation of this experiment is to measure the parity violating asymmetry of Møller scattering in a liquid hydrogen target. This measurement would allow for a more precise determination of the electron's weak charge and the weak mixing angle. While still in its planning stages, the MOLLER experiment requires a detailed simulation framework in order to determine how the project should be run in the future. The simulation framework for MOLLER, called "remoll", is written in C++ and uses the GEANT4 framework and libraries. It has recently been updated to include the full detector geometry of the experiment. The viability of the detector geometry in the real experiment will rely on a detailed analysis of the detector's properties through simulation. The first part of this analysis assesses the impact of particle crosstalk in the design.

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