"The Other Synoptics: An Analysis of the Fourth Evangelist’s and Paul o" by Austin A. Hillebrandt

Date Thesis Awarded


Access Type

Honors Thesis -- Access Restricted On-Campus Only

Degree Name

Bachelors of Arts (BA)


Religious Studies


Michael Daise

Committee Members

Alexander Angelov

David L. Holmes

Joey Smith


One of the more provocative claims in biblical studies is Rudolf Bultmann’s thesis that the Fourth Evangelist shares few similarities with Paul of Tarsus. Since Bultmann introduced his argumentation, numerous scholars have endorsed or criticized his theory. My thesis will be yet another addition to the list of works in dialogue with Bultmann. However, I will not address the entirety of the Fourth Evangelist’s and Paul of Tarsus’ theology. Rather, my exegesis will focus in on three specific topics: the significance of Jesus’ death, the aftermath of the resurrection, and the nature of Jesus. Nevertheless, my limited-scope study found four significant similarities between the Fourth Gospel and the Undisputed Pauline Epistles.

Additionally, this thesis aims to present information about biblical scholars, the Fourth Gospel, and the Undisputed Pauline Epistles in an accessible fashion. In my own experience, biblical studies literature is dense and difficult to read. While this density is necessary to address the literary complexities that are present within the Bible, it also acts as a coercive force by intimidating those with a fleeting interest in biblical studies. In short, this thesis is written for an audience with little to no expertise in the world of biblical academia. Consequently, tangential and extraneous information is occasionally included in this thesis.

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