"Sinfonietta in C Major: Music Composition and Conducting" by Colin Carmody

Date Thesis Awarded


Access Type

Honors Thesis -- Access Restricted On-Campus Only

Degree Name

Bachelors of Arts (BA)




David Grandis

Committee Members

Jamie Bartlett

Eric Swartz

Brian Hulse


Sinfonietta in C Major was composed by Colin Carmody as a part of the completion of his Music Department Honors Project at the College of William and Mary. Its debut performance by the William and Mary Symphony Orchestra was conducted by the composer on Thursday, March 10th at 7:30pm in the Commonwealth Auditorium of the Sadler Center in Williamsburg, VA. The goals of this project was for the author to practice, demonstrate, and share his skills in conducting and composition through the construction and performance of a large work for Orchestra. In completing this project, he has served many roles including composer, orchestrator, engraver, conductor, and project manager. In this Honors thesis, he shares much about this project in order to defend it as the successful realization of the goals he set out to achieve, as well as its merit as a stand-alone work and significance toward his professional journey as a musician

On-Campus Access Only
