"I Declare War on Typology: Breaking the Silence of Borderland Peoples " by Jessica Taylor

Date Thesis Awarded


Access Type

Honors Thesis -- Access Restricted On-Campus Only

Degree Name

Bachelors of Arts (BA)




Martin D. Gallivan

Committee Members

Frederick H. Smith

James Frusetta


Comstock (44CF20) is a Middle/Late Woodland site on the western bank of the Appomattox River. Five and a half miles from the James River intersection, it also lies on a cultural barrier, dividing the Algonquian and Siouan language groups, and later, the Monacan and Powhatan cultures. A true Falls Zone site, its ceramic collection implies cultural mixing -- both Piedmont and Coastal Plain influences are often seen in the same feature, if not in the same sherd's temper and surface treatment. The longevity of the occupation of Comstock provides an exciting opportunity to recreate a historical narrative which maps the influences of the Coastal Plain and Piedmont peoples on this particular settlement. More importantly, Comstock brings forth dissonance between the typological, essentialized characteristics of the two groups on either side of the river, and the way that the individuals at Comstock chose to negotiate their own cultural identity.

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 License.


Thesis is part of Honors ETD pilot project, 2008-2013. Migrated from Dspace in 2016.

On-Campus Access Only
