"Ceramics of the Spanish-Atlantic World" by Kathryn Lee Swanson

Date Thesis Awarded


Access Type

Honors Thesis -- Access Restricted On-Campus Only

Degree Name

Bachelors of Arts (BA)




Frederick H. Smith

Committee Members

Matthew Liebmann

Philip Daileader


This thesis will attempt to gain a better understanding of the social developments occurring within the Spanish-American colonies through a comparison of luxury ceramic assemblages collected in Spain, the Caribbean, and the southeastern United States. Specifically, I will analyze the hypothesis proposed by Kathleen Deagan and Charles Ewen in their work in St. Augustine, Florida and Puerto Real, Haiti, respectively. During the course of their excavations at these sites, both archaeologists theorized that socially visible status-related artifacts in the colonies would be predominantly European-made (Ewen 1991:45). Over time, however, the material culture should change to indicate the formation of a new, unique Hispanic-American culture (Ewen 1991:47-48). Deagan advances this model by also proposing that the artifact assemblages in the colonies reflect a division of activities according to gender (1983:104-105). Through this thesis, I will consider how creolization is evident in the ceramic assemblages by exploring the origins of the ceramic fragments found in the colonies as well as the gender-division proposed by Deagan. I will also compare the differences and similarities of the vessel forms and surface decorations between the Spanish ceramics from Rota and the pottery found and produced in the New World.

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