"Imposing Change: Analyzing Lustration Policies in Post-War Iraq and Ge" by Michael Thomas Hamilton

Date Thesis Awarded


Access Type

Honors Thesis -- Access Restricted On-Campus Only

Degree Name

Bachelors of Arts (BA)




Sue Peterson

Committee Members

Paula Pickering

Michael Butler


This thesis studies how different domestic level variables influence post-regime change personnel reform programs. It evaluates how regime affiliation, ethnic divisions, and democratic experiences with the target society can influence whether personnel reform programs succeed or fail. I generate three hypotheses about the effects of the three domestic level variables on policy effectiveness. The validity of these hypotheses are then tested through process tracing and two in depth case studies: de-Nazification in post-WWII occupied Germany and de-Baathification in post-2003 Iraq. An analysis of these case studies prompts future research and suggestions for policy direction based on the overall conclusion that these three variables influence personnel reform programs in a number of different ways.

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On-Campus Access Only
