Submissions from 2024
An Image that Resonates: Yang Liping and the Evolution of Contemporary Chinese Folk Dance, Emily E. Wilcox
Quando os lugares importam: provincializando o "global", Emily E. Wilcox
Submissions from 2023
Surrealism and the American West: André Breton’s “Hopi Notebook”, Kate Conley
From the Studio to the Field: André Breton’s ‘Hopi Notebook’, Katharine Conley
Translator’s Introduction to ‘Notebook from the Trip to Visit the Hopi Indians’ by André Breton*, Katharine Conley
Performance and Performativity in Modern China, Emily E. Wilcox
Submissions from 2022
"Carrigton's Flying Carpets: from La Chasse (1942) to Cocodrilos (1974)" Lecture, Kate Conley
‘Pavilions of Dreaming’: Bodies as Structures in Kay Sage’s Demain, Monsieur Silber, Katharine Conley
“舞蹈学与地区研究” (Dance studies and area studies), Emily E. Wilcox
Submissions from 2020
Conley, "Recycled Things in Surrealist Collections - 2020", Katharine Conley
When Folk Dance Was Radical: Cold War Yangge, World Youth Festivals, and Overseas Chinese Leftist Culture in the 1950s and 1960s, Emily E. Wilcox
Submissions from 2019
Bartered Bodies: Medieval Pilgrims and the Tissue of Faith, George Greenia
Ideas on the Table: Teaching with the Faïences Révolutionnaires, Giulia Pacini
On Poet-Scholars: Un Taller de Poesia, Silvia Tandeciarz
The Republic of Poetry: Un Taller de Poesía, Silvia Tandeciarz
Locating Chinese Dance: Bodies in Place, History, and Genre, Emily E. Wilcox
Submissions from 2018
The Prehistory of the Hollywood Eastern genre, John Eisele
The Lakota Future Generation Ride of the Lakota Sioux, George Greenia
What is Pilgrimage?, George Greenia
The Unknown New Wave: Soviet Cinema of the Sixties, Alexander V. Prokhorov
Sight, Language, Time: To be Surrounded by the World, Monica Seger
Introduction to "Revolutionary Bodies: Chinese Dance and the Socialist Legacy", Emily E. Wilcox
Submissions from 2017
Collecting Ghostly Things: André Breton and Joseph Cornell, Katharine Conley
Faith and Footpaths: Pilgrimage in Medieval Iberia, George Greenia
Foreword, George Greenia
Pilgrimage and the Economy of Salvation, George Greenia
Pilgrims as readers & writers: some reflections, George Greenia
Travelers’ Texts: Pilgrims and Their Textual Accessories, George Greenia
Fragmentos culturales e identidades recicladas, Regina A. Root
Introduction to "Citizens of Memory: Affect, Representation, and Human Rights in Postdictatorship Argentina", Silvia Tandeciarz
Women Dancing Otherwise: The Queer Feminism of Gu Jiani’s Right & Left, Emily E. Wilcox
Submissions from 2016
Special issue: Brazilian Fashion, Rita M. Andrade and Regina A. Root
Photographic Automatism: Surrealism and Feminist (Post?) Modernism in Susan Hiller's Sisters of Menon, Katharine Conley
The Surrealist Collection: Ghosts in the Laboratory, Katharine Conley
Learning to Cherish the Dumb Question, George Greenia
Learning to Walk, George Greenia
Santiago de Compostela, George Greenia
Digital Cocoons and the Raw Abroad, George Greenia and Jacob H. Rooksby
Aguafuertes de la moda contemporánea argentina, Laura Novik and Regina A. Root
Ferramentas poderosas: Em direção a um Manifesto Moda, Regina A. Root
Submissions from 2015
Value and Hidden Cost in André Breton’s Surrealist Collection, Katharine Conley
Walking in Ameno, Monica Seger
Rulan Chao Pian 卞赵如兰 (1922–2013), Emily E. Wilcox
Submissions from 2014
Pilgrimage and the American Myth, George Greenia
Arboreal and Historical Perspectives from Calvino's Il barone rampante, Giulia Pacini
Meaning in Movement: Adaptation and the Xiqu Body in Intercultural Chinese Theatre, Emily E. Wilcox
Submissions from 2013
Carrington's Kitchen, Katharine Conley
“Pandemonium” (1976) by Joyce Mansour , English Translation, Joyce Mansour and Katharine Conley
Cinema of the Thaw (1953 – 1967), Alexander V. Prokhorov
Lenin’s Guard. Zastava Il’icha, Alexander V. Prokhorov
Reconfiguring the War and Family Tropes in Thaw-Era Homefront Melodrama, Alexander V. Prokhorov
The Diamond Arm. Brilliantovaia ruka, Alexander V. Prokhorov
Submissions from 2012
What Makes a Collection Surrealist: Twentieth-Century Cabinets of Curiosities in Paris and Houston, Katharine Conley
Secrets, Trauma, and the Memory Market (or the return of the repressed in recent Argentine post-dictatorship cultural production)., Silvia Tandeciarz
Dance and the Nation: Performance, Ritual, and Politics in Sri Lanka, Emily E. Wilcox
Han-Tang Zhongguo Gudianwu and the Problem of Chineseness in Contemporary Chinese Dance: Sixty Years of Controversy, Emily E. Wilcox
Submissions from 2011
The Lost Privilegio de Alcalá de Henares de 1295, George Greenia
Environmental Concerns in Bernardin de Saint Pierre's Paul et Virginie, Giulia Pacini
Passing the Remote: Community and Television Viewing in Woobinda and La guerra degli Antò, Monica Seger
Submissions from 2010
Rrose Sélavy’s Ghosts: Life, Death, and Desnos, Katharine Conley
Grafts at Work in Late Eighteenth-Century French Discourse and Practice, Giulia Pacini
Submissions from 2009
Down for the Count: The Limits of Numerology, George Greenia
Submissions from 2008
Nous habitons tous dans la maison de Freud: Susan Hiller chez Freud à Londres, Katharine Conley
Introduction, George Greenia
Submissions from 2007
The Tragicomedia as a Canonical Work, George Greenia
Teaching Incest in Medieval Literature, Culture and Law, George D. Greenia
From Family Reintegration to Carnivalistic Degradation: Dismantling Soviet Communal Myths in Russian Cinema of the Mid-1990s, Alexander V. Prokhorov
Revisioning Aleksandrov’s Circus: Seventy Years of the Great Family, Alexander V. Prokhorov
Urban Images of Solidarity: Fashioning Citizenship in Argentina, Regina A. Root
Citizens of Memory: Refiguring the Past in Post-Dictatorship Argentina, Silvia Tandeciarz
Submissions from 2006
Size Matters: The Ideological Functions of the Length of Soviet Feature Films and Television Mini-Series in the 1950s and 1960s, Alexander V. Prokhorov
La pedagogía de la posibilidad: El legado del Dr. Antonio Cornejo Polar, Regina A. Root
Mnemonic Hauntings: Photography as Art of the Missing, Silvia Tandeciarz
Submissions from 2005
The Bigger the Book: On Oversize Medieval Manuscripts, George Greenia
A Person is Born: Stalinist Myth of the Great Family in Film Genres of the Thaw, Alexander V. Prokhorov
Submissions from 2003
Books and Bookmaking, George Greenia
The Moralized Bible in Spain, George Greenia
R. Merritt Cox (1939-1987), Pioneer of John Bowle Studies, George Greenia and Daniel Eisenberg
Submissions from 2002
Les Révolutions de Dorothea Tanning, Katharine Conley
Submissions from 2001
Writing for Distinction? A Reading of Cortázar’s Final Short Story, Diario para un cuento, Silvia Tandeciarz
Submissions from 2000
Some Notes on Racial Trauma in Peter Weir’s Fearless, Silvia Tandeciarz
Submissions from 1997
University Book Production and Courtly Patronage in Thirteenth-century France and Spain, George Greenia
Submissions from 1996
André Breton’s Swinging Doors, Katharine Conley
Submissions from 1994
Writing the Virgin’s Body: Breton and Eluard’s Immaculée Conception, Katharine Conley
Submissions from 1992
Why Johnny Can’t Escribir: Composition and the Foreign Language Curriculum, George Greenia