Physics Faculty Work | Physics | William & Mary


Submissions from 2009


Virtual Compton scattering and neutral pion electroproduction in the resonance region up to the deep inelastic region at backward angles, G. Laveissiere, S. Jaminion, R. Di Salvo, K. Arundell, J. M. Finn, M. K. Jones, C. F. Perdrisat, G. Quemener, G. Rutledge, and K. Wijesooriya


Nuclear Forces and High-Performance Computing: The Perfect Match, T. Luu and A. Walker-Loud


Sudden stratospheric warmings seen in MINOS deep underground muon data, S. Osprey, J. Barnett, J. Smith, S. J. Coleman, M. Kordosky, J. K. Nelson, and P. Vahle


Stationary Pattern of a Ratio-Dependent Food Chain Model with Diffusion, Rui Peng, Junping Shi, Junping Shi, and Mingxin Wang


The HITRAN 2008 molecular spectroscopic database, L. S. Rothman, I. E. Gordon, K. Chance, D. Chris Benner, and V. M. Devi


Chiral extrapolation of octet-baryon charge radii, P. Wang, A. W. Thomas, D. B. Leinweber, and A. W. Thomas

Submissions from 2008


Photoluminescence of 1-D Copper(I) Cyanide Chains: A Theoretical Description, Craig A. Bayse, Timothy P. Brewster, and Robert D. Pike


Static and Dynamical Manifestations of Hamiltonian Monodromy, John B. Delos, Christopher Robert Schleif, and G. Dhont


Semiclassical Theory of the Structure of the Hydrogen Spectrum in Near-Perpendicular Electric and Magnetic fields: Derivations and Formulas for Einstein-Brillouin-Keller-Maslov Quantization and Description of Monodromy, Christopher Robert Schleif and John B. Delos

Submissions from 2007


Monodromy and the Structure of the Energy Spectrum of Hydrogen in Near Perpendicular Electric and Magnetic Fields, Christopher Robert Schleif and John B. Delos

Submissions from 2006

Motion of an Electron from a Point Source in Parellel Electric and Magnetic Fields, Christian Bracher and J. B. Delos


Motion of an Electron from a Point Source in Parallel Electric and Magnetic Fields, Christian Bracher and John B. Delos


Electron Dynamics in Parallel Electric and Magnetic Fields, Christian Bracher, Tobias Kramer, and John B. Delos

Escape of Trajectories from a Vase-Shaped Cavity, Paul Hansen, Kevin A. Mitchell, and J. B. Delos


Escape of Trajectories From a Vase-Shaped Cavity, Paul Hansen, Kevin A. Mitchell, and John B. Delos

Submissions from 2005


The Photoelectric Effect in External Eields, Christian Bracher, John B. Delos, Vassiliki Kanellopoulos, Manfred Kleber, and Tobias Kramer

Submissions from 2004


Analysis of Chaos-Induced Pulse Trains in the Ionization of Hydrogen, K. A. Mitchell, J. P. Handley, B. Tighe, A. Flower, and John B. Delos


Chaos-Induced Pulse Trains in the Ionization of Hydrogen, K. A. Mitchell, J. P. Handley, B. Tighe, A. Flower, and John B. Delos

Submissions from 2003


Geometry and Topology of Escape. II. Homotopic Lobe Dynamics, K. A. Mitchell, J. P. Handley, John B. Delos, and Stephen Knudson


Geometry and Topology of Escape. I. Epistrophes, K. A. Mitchell, J. P. Handley, B. Tighe, John B. Delos, and Stephen Knudson

Submissions from 2001


Organization and Bifurcation of Planar Closed Orbits of an Atomic Electron in Crossed Fields, D. M. Wang and John B. Delos

Submissions from 2000


Semiclassical Theory of Weighted Spectra for Regular Systems: Absorption Spectra and Decay Rates, M. W. Beims, V. Kondratovich, and John B. Delos


Recurrence Spectroscopy in Time-Dependent Fields, M. R. Haggerty and John B. Delos


Classically Forbidden Recurrences in the Photoabsorption Spectrum of Lithium, V. Kondratovich, John B. Delos, Neal Spellmeyer, and Daniel Kleppner


Broadening, shifting, and line asymmetries in the 2←0 band of CO and CO–N2: Experimental results and theoretical calculations, Adriana Predoi-Cross, J. P. Bouanich, D. Chris Benner, A. D. May, and J. R. Drummond

Submissions from 1998


Semiclassical Representation of Width-Weighted Spectra, M. W. Beims, V. Kondratovich, and John B. Delos


Extracting Classical Trajectories from Atomic Spectra, M. R. Haggerty, Neal Spellmeyer, Daniel Kleppner, and John B. Delos


Scaled-Energy Floquet Spectroscopy in a Strong Electric Field: A Semiquantal Calculation of the Recurrence Spectrum, V. Kondratovich and John B. Delos


Semiclassical Formula for Oscillator Strengths of Atomic Spectra in External Fields, V. Kondratovich and John B. Delos

Mechanism of Collisionally-Induced Transitions among Fine-Structure Levels: Semiclassical Calculations of Alignment Effects in the Na-He, Laurie J. Kovalenko and J. B. Delos

Semiclassical Picture of Collision-induced Λ-doublet Transitions in Diatomic Molecules, Laurie J. Kovalenko and J. B. Delos

Order and Chaos in Semiconductor Microstructures., W. A. Lin and J. B. Delos

Submissions from 1997


Quantum Manifestations of Bifurcations of Closed Orbits in the Photoabsorption Spectra of Atoms in Electric Fields, J. Gao and John B. Delos


Semiclassical Formula for Oscillator Strengths in Atomic Spectra, V. Kondratovich and John B. Delos


Semiclassical Picture of Collision-induced Λ-doublet Transitions in Diatomic Molecules, Laurie J. Kovalenko and J. B. Delos


Semiclassical Model of Λ-doublet States in Diatomic Molecules, Laurie J. Kovalenko and John B. Delos


Symmetry Breaking in Crossed Magnetic and Electric Fields, C. Neumann, R. Ubert, S. Freund, et al., and John B. Delos


Closed-orbit Theory and the Photodetachment Cross Section of H- in Parallel Electric and Magnetic Fields, Aaron D. Peters, Charles Jaffé, and J. B. Delos


Quantum Manifestations of Bifurcations of Closed Orbits in the Photodetachment Cross Section of H- in Parallel Fields, Aaron D. Peters, Charles Jaffé, J. Gao, and John B. Delos


Recurrence Spectroscopy of a Time-Dependent System: A Rydberg Atom in an Oscillating Field, Neal Spellmeyer, Daniel Kleppner, M. R. Haggerty, V. Kondratovich, John B. Delos, and J. Gao

Submissions from 1996


Slow Down, D. Chris Benner and Rodelle A. Benner


Bifurcation of the Periodic Orbits of Hamiltonian Systems: An Analysis using Normal Form Theory, D. A. Sadovskii and John B. Delos


Semiclassical Scattering in a Circular Semiconductor Microstructure, C. D. Schwieters, J. A. Alford, and John B. Delos

Submissions from 1995


Closed Orbit Bifurcations in Continuum Stark Spectra, Michael Courtney, Hong Jiao, Neal Spellmeyer, Daniel Kleppner, J. Gao, and John B. Delos


Organization of Sequences of Bifurcations of Periodic Orbits, D. A. Sadovskii, J. A. Shaw, and John B. Delos


Half-Cycle Pulse Acting on a One-Dimensional Rydberg Atom: Semiclassical Transition Amplitudes in Action and Angle Variables, C. D. Schwieters and John B. Delos


Semiclassical Treatment of a Half-Cycle Pulse Acting on a One-Dimensional Rydberg Atom, C. D. Schwieters and John B. Delos


Recurrences Associated with a Classical Orbit in the Node of a Quantum Wave Function, John A. Shaw, John B. Delos, Michael Courtney, and Daniel Kleppner

Submissions from 1994


Resonances and Recurrences in the Absorption Spectrum of an Atom in an Electric Field, J. Gao and John B. Delos


Recurrence Spectroscopy: Observation and Interpretation of Large-Scale Structure in the Absorption Spectra of Atoms in Magnetic Fields, J. Main, G. Wiebusch, K. Welge, J. Shaw, and John B. Delos


Quantum Manifestations of Bifurcations of Classical Orbits: An Exactly Solvable Mode, Aaron D. Peters, Charles Jaffé, and John B. Delos

Submissions from 1993


Order and Chaos in Semiconductor Microstructures, W. A. Lin, John B. Delos, and Robert E. Jensen


Photoabsorption Spectra of Atoms in Parallel Electric and Magnetic Fields, J. M. Mao, K. A. Rapelje, S. J. Blodgett-Ford, John B. Delos, A. König, and H. Rinneberg

Photodetachment cross section of H- in crossed electric and magnetic fields. II. Quantum formulas and their reduction to the result of the closed-orbit theory., Aaron D. Peters and J. B. Delos


Photodetachment Cross Section of H- in Crossed Electric and Magnetic Fields. I. Closed-Orbit Theory, Aaron D. Peters and John B. Delos


Photodetachment Cross Section of H- in Crossed Electric and Magnetic Fields. II. Quantum Formulas and Their Reduction to the Result of the Closed-Orbit Theory, Aaron D. Peters and John B. Delos

Submissions from 1992


Closed-Orbit Theory of Oscillations in Atomic Photoabsorption Cross Sections in a Strong Electric Field. II. Derivation of Formulas, J. Gao and John B. Delos


Closed-Orbit Theory of Oscillations in Atomic Photoabsorption Cross Sections in a Strongelectric Field. I. Comparison Between Theory and Experiments on Hydrogen and Sodium Above Threshold, J. Gao, John B. Delos, and M. Baruch


Hamiltonian Bifurcation Theory of Closed Orbits in the Diamagnetic Kepler Problem, J. M. Mao and John B. Delos

Submissions from 1989


Mechanism of Collisionally-Induced Transitions Among Fine-Structure Levels: Semiclassical Calculations of Alignment Effects in the Na-He System, Laurie J. Kovalenko, Stephen R. Leone, and John B. Delos

Submissions from 1988


Atomic Electrons in Strong Magnetic Fields: Transition from Elliptical to Helical Behavior., John B. Delos, Stephen Knudson, Shena Sikora, Robert Leonard Waterland, and S. Whitworth


Effect of Closed Classical Orbits on Quantum Spectra: Ionization of Atoms in a Magnetic Field. II. Derivation of Formulas, M. L. Du and John B. Delos


Effect of Closed Classical Orbits on Quantum Spectra: Ionization of Atoms in a Magnetic Field. I. Physical Picture and Calculations, M. L. Du and John B. Delos


Laser-induced Collisional Detachment, D. Luo, John B. Delos, and S. Geltman


Semiclassical Interpretation of Eigenvectors for Excited Atoms in External Fields, Robert Leonard Waterland, M. L. Du, and John B. Delos

Submissions from 1987

Catastrophes and Stable Caustics in Bound States of Hamiltonian Systems, J. B. Delos


Catastrophes and Stable Caustics in Bound States of Hamiltonian Systems, John B. Delos


Collisions of F+ with Ne, M. Hottoka, B. Roos, John B. Delos, R. Srivastava, R. B. Sharma, and W. Koshi


High Rydberg States of an Atom in Parallel Electric and Magnetic Fields, Robert L. Waterland, John B. Delos, and M. L. Du

Submissions from 1986

Probability Conservation in Theories of Collisional Ionization and Detachment., M. L. Du. and J. B. Delos


Probability Conservation in Theories of Collisional Ionization and Detachment, M. L. Du and John B. Delos


Bound State Semiclassical Wave Functions, Stephen Knudson, John B. Delos, and D. W. Noid


Electron Detachment in Negative-Ion Collisions. III. Model Calculations., T. S. Wang and John B. Delos

Submissions from 1985


Semiclassical Calculation of Quantum-Mechanical Wave Functions for a Two-Dimensional Scattering System, Stephen Knudson, John B. Delos, and B. Bloom

Submissions from 1984


Atlas of High Resolution Infrared Spectra of Carbon Dioxide: February 1984 Edition, D. Chris Benner

Trajectories of an Atomic Electron in a Magnetic Field., J. B. Delos, Stephen Knudson, and D. W. Noid


Trajectories of an Atomic Electron in a Magnetic Field, John B. Delos, Stephen Knudson, and D. W. Noid


Electron Detachment in Negative-Ion Collisions. II. The Dynamical Complex Potential, T. S. Wang and John B. Delos


Electron Detachment in Negative-Ion Collisions. I. Time-dependent theory and Models for a Propagator, T. S. Wang and John B. Delos


Construction of a Multidimensional Potential Energy Surface from an Energy Spectrum, Robert Leonard Waterland and John B. Delos

Submissions from 1983


Atlas of High Resolution Infrared Spectra of Carbon Dioxide: February 1983 Edition, D. Chris Benner

Highly Excited Atoms in a Strong Magnetic Field, J. B. Delos, Stephen Knudson, and D. W. Noid

Highly excited states of a hydrogen atom in a strong magnetic field., J. B. Delos, Stephen Knudson, and D. W. Noid


Quantum Theory of Slow Atomic Collisions, John B. Delos


Highly Excited States of a Hydrogen Atom in a Strong Magnetic Field, John B. Delos, Stephen Knudson, and D. W. Knudson


Electron Detachment for H-(D-) in Collisions with Ne, T. S. Wang and John B. Delos

Submissions from 1981

Theory of Near-Adiabatic Collisions III. Coupled Equations Arising from Expansions Involving Single-Center States., J. B. Delos


Theory of Electronic Excitations in Slow Atomic Collisions, John B. Delos


Theory of Near-Adiabatic Collisions. III. Coupled Equations Arising from Expansions Involving Single-Center States, John B. Delos

Submissions from 1979


Diabatic and Adiabatic Representations for Atomic Collision Processes, John B. Delos and W. R. Thorson


Semiclassical Calculations of Vibrational Energy Levels for Non-Separable Systems Using the Birkhoff-Gustavson Normal Form, Randall T. Swimm and John B. Delos

Submissions from 1978

Theory of Near-Adiabatic Collisions I. Electron-Translation-Factor Method., W. R. Thorson and J. B. Delos

Theory of Near-Adiabatic Collisions II. Scattering Coordinate Method., W. R. Thorson and J. B. Delos


Theory of Near-Adiabatic Collisions. I. Electron-Translation-Factor Method, W. R. Thorson and John B. Delos


Theory of Near-Adiabatic Collisions. II. Scattering Coordinate Method, W. R. Thorson and John B. Delos

Submissions from 1977


Generalization of the Rosen-Zener Model of Noncrossing Interactions. II. Differential Cross Sections., T. R. Dinterman and John B. Delos


Generalization of the Rosen-Zener Model of Noncrossing Interactions. I. Total Cross Sections, T. R. Dinterman and John B. Delos

Submissions from 1975


Semiclassical Calculation of Regge Poles, John B. Delos and C. E. Carlson

Submissions from 1974


Studies of the Potential Curve Crossing Problem. III. Collisional Spectroscopy of Close Crossings, John B. Delos

Electron Detachment in Low-Energy Collisions of H- and D- with He, S. K. Lam, J. B. Delos, L. Champion, and L. D. Doverspike