Physics Faculty Work | Physics | William & Mary


Submissions from 2016


Deuteron form factor measurements at low momentum transfers, B. S. Schlimme, P. Achenbach, R. Boehm, K. A. Griffioen, and Y. Huan


Flavor-changing leptonic decays of heavy Higgs bosons, Marc Sher and Keith Thrasher


Rashba Spin-Orbit Coupling, Strong Interactions, and the BCS-BEC Crossover in the Ground State of the Two-Dimensional Fermi Gas, Hao Shi, Peter Rosenberg, Simone Chiesa, and Shiwei Zhang


Enhanced superconductivity in aluminum-based hyperbolic metamaterials, Vera N. Smolyaninova, Christopher Jensen, William Zimmerman, (...), M. M. Qazilbash, and et al.


Hawking radiation and classical tunneling: A ray phase space approach, E. R. Tracy and D. Zhigunov


General Conditions for Proximity-Induced Odd-Frequency Superconductivity in Two-Dimensional Electronic Systems, Christopher Triola, Alexander V. Balatsky, Driss M. Badiane, E. Rossi, and Alexander V. Balatsky


Flexibility and Solvation of Amyloid- Hydrophobic Core, Liliya Vugmeyster, Isaac B. Falconer, Dmitry Ostrovsky, and Gina L. Hoatson


Turbulent particle transport as a function of toroidal rotation in DIII-D H-mode plasmas, X. Wang, Saskia Mordijck, L. Zeng, L. Schmitz, and et al.


Evidence of Coherent K+ Meson Production in Neutrino-Nucleus Scattering, Z. Wang, C. M. Marshall, A. Bercellie, L. Aliaga, M. Kordosky, J. K. Nelson, A. Norrick, and D. Zhang


Majorana Positivity and the Fermion Sign Problem of Quantum Monte Carlo Simulations, Z. C. Wei, T. Xiang, Congjun Wu, and Shiwei Zhang


Evidence for Neutral-Current Diffractive pi(0) Production from Hydrogen in Neutrino Interactions on Hydrocarbon, J. Wolcott, A. Bercellie, A. Bodek, L. Aliaga, J. Devan, M. Kordosky, J. K. Nelson, A. Norrick, and D. Zhang


Measurement of Electron Neutrino Quasielastic and Quasielasticlike Scattering on Hydrocarbon at < E-v >=3.6 GeV, J. Wolcott, A. Bercellie, A. Bodek, L. Aliaga, J. Devan, M. Kordosky, J. K. Nelson, A. Norrick, and D. Zhang


Role of electron-electron interactions in the charge dynamics of rare-earth-doped CaFe2As2, Zhen Xing, T. J. Huffman, Peng Xu, (...), M. M. Qazilbash, and et al.


Simulation of nonlinear superconducting rf losses derived from characteristic topography of etched and electropolished niobium surfaces, Chen Xu, Charles E. Reece, and Michael J. Kelley


Experimental Correlation between Nonlinear Optical and Magnetotransport Properties Observed in Au-Co Thin Films, Kaida Yang, R. Alejandra Lukaszew, Victor Kryutyanskiy, Irina Kolmychek, and Tatiana V. Murzina


Controlling excited-state contamination in nucleon matrix elements, Boram Yoon, Rajan Gupta, (...), Kostas Orginos, and et al.


Topological superconductivity in a multichannel Yu-Shiba-Rusinov chain, Junhua Zhang, E. Rossi, Younghyun Kim, and Roman M. Lutchyn


Spatial multimode structure of atom-generated squeezed light, Mi Zhang, Irina Novikova, Eugeniy E. Mikhailov, R. Nicholas Lanning, Zhihao Xiao, and Jonathan P. Dowling


Beam position reconstruction for the g2p experiment in Hall A at Jefferson lab, Pengjia Zhu, Yunxiu Ye, Kalyan Allada, and Melissa Cummings

Submissions from 2015


Searching for stochastic gravitational waves using data from the two colocated LIGO Hanford detectors, J. Aasi, J. Abadie, B. P. Abbott, T. Horrom, E. Mikhailov, and G. Romanov


Characterization of the LIGO detectors during their sixth science run, J. Aasi, J. Abadie, B. P. Abbott, T. Horrom, Eugeniy E. Mikhailov, and G. Romanov


Directed search for gravitational waves from Scorpius X-1 with initial LIGO data, J. Aasi, B. P. Abbott, R. Abbott, E. E. Mikhailov, G. Romanov, and M. Zhang


Narrow-band search of continuous gravitational-wave signals from Crab and Vela pulsars in Virgo VSR4 data, J. Aasi, B. P. Abbott, R. Abbott, E. E. Mikhailov, G. Romanov, and M. Zhang


Searches for Continuous Gravitational Waves from Nine Young Supernova Remnants, J. Aasi, B. P. Abbott, R. Abbott, Eugeniy E. Mikhailov, G. Romanov, and M. Zhang


Towards a Resolution of the Proton Form Factor Problem: New Electron and Positron Scattering Data, D. Adikaram, L. B. Weinstein, R. P. Bennett, and K. A. Griffioen


MINERvA neutrino detector response measured with test beam data, L. Aliaga, W. F. Bergan, J. Devan, I. J. Howley, M. Kordosky, A. J. Leister, J. K. Nelson, A. Norrick, C. D. O'Connor, D. Zhang, C. Araujo Del Castillo, G. A. Diaz, and A. M. Gago


The Q(weak) experimental apparatus, T. Allison, (...), David S. Armstrong, and et al.


New Measurement of Antineutrino Oscillation with the Full Detector Configuration at Daya Bay, F. P. An, A. B. Balantekin, J. J. Cherwinka, and R. D. McKeown


The muon system of the Daya Bay Reactor antineutrino experiment, F. P. An, G. F. Cao, J. Cao, G. H. Han, R. D. McKeown, W. Wang, and Y. Zhao


Observation of seasonal variation of atmospheric multiple-muon events in the MINOS Near and Far Detectors, I. Anghel, M. C. Goodman, J. Paley, A. V. Devan, M. Kordosky, J. K. Nelson, A. Radovic, and P. Vahle


Precision measurement of the speed of propagation of neutrinos using the MINOS detectors, I. Anghel, M. C. Goodman, J. Paley, A. V. Devan, M. Kordosky, J. K. Nelson, A. Radovic, and P. Vahle


Study of quasielastic scattering using charged-current nu(mu)-iron interactions in the MINOS near detector, I. Anghel, M. C. Goodman, J. Paley, A. V. Devan, M. Kordosky, J. K. Nelson, A. Radovic, P. Vahle, and J. J. Walding


Measurements of ep -> e 'pi(+)n at 1.6 < W < 2.0 GeV and extraction of nucleon resonance electrocouplings at CLAS, Tempe Arizona State Univ


B - > Dl nu form factors at nonzero recoil and vertical bar V-cb vertical bar from 2+1-flavor lattice QCD, Jon A. Bailey, A. Bazavov, C. Bernard, and C. M. Bouchard


vertical bar V-ub vertical bar from B -> pi l nu decays and (2+1)-flavor lattice QCD, Jon. A. Bailey, A. Bazavov, C. Bernard, and C. M. Bouchard


The Heavy Photon Search test detector, M. a. Battaglieri, A. a. Celentano, S. b. Boyarinov, and K. k. Griffioen


Ab initio Calculation of the np -> d gamma Radiative Capture Process, Silas R. Beane, Emmanuel Chang, Martin J. Savage, and Kostas Orginos


Quarkonium-nucleus bound states from lattice QCD, S. R. Beane, E. Chang, H. -W. Lin, and K. Orginos


Surface plasmon resonance modulation in nanopatterned Au gratings by the insulator-metal transition in vanadium dioxide films, M. Beebe, L. Wang, S. E. Madaras, J. M. Klopf, Z. Li, D. Brantley, M. Heimburger, R. A. Lukaszew, R. A. Wincheski, S. Kittiwatanakul, and J. Lu


Charge-conjugation symmetric complete impulse approximation for the pion electromagnetic form factor in the covariant spectator theory, Elmar P. Biernat, M. T. Pena, Alfred Stadler, and Franz Gross


Cross sections and transverse single-spin asymmetries in forward jet production from proton collisions at root s=500 GeV, L. C. Bland, K. A. Drees, C. Folz, and C. F. Perdrisat


Lifetime of the electroweak vacuum and sensitivity to Planck scale physics, Vincenzo Branchina, Emanuele Messina, and Marc Sher


Multichannel 1 -> 2 transition amplitudes in a finite volume, Raul A. Briceno, Andre Walker-Loud, Maxwell T. Hansen, and Andre Walker-Loud


Light-front holographic QCD and emerging confinement, Stanley J. Brodsky, Guy F. de Teramond, Hans Guenter Dosch, and Joshua Erlich


Extending theories on muon-specific interactions, Carl E. Carlson, Michael Freid, and Michael Freid


Two-field axion-monodromy hybrid inflation model: Dante's Waterfall, Christopher D. Carone, Joshua Erlich, Anuraag Sensharma, and Zhen Wang


Dark chiral symmetry breaking and the origin of the electroweak scale, Christopher D. Carone and Raymundo Ramos


Flavored axion-monodromy inflation, Christopher D. Carone, Raymundo Ramos, and Zhen Wang


Magnetic structure of light nuclei from lattice QCD, Emmanuel Chang, Martin J. Savage, William Detmold, and Kostas Orginos


Precision Measurement of the p(e,e ' p)pi(0) Reaction at Threshold, K. Chirapatpimol, (...), David S. Armstrong, and et al.


E00-110 experiment at Jefferson Lab Hall A: Deeply virtual Compton scattering off the proton at 6 GeV, M. Defurne, M. Beaumel, E. Fuchey, T. Holmstrom, A. Kelleher, B. Moffit, and V. Sulkosky


Baryon mass splittings and strong CP violation in SU(3) chiral perturbation theory, J. de Vries, J. de Vries, E. Mereghetti, and A. Walker-Loud


Charged pion production in nu(mu) interactions on hydrocarbon at < E-nu >=4.0 GeV, B. Eberly, S. A. Dytman, C. L. McGivern, L. Aliaga, J. Devan, M. Kordosky, J. K. Nelson, A. Norrick, and D. Zhang


First measurement of the polarization observable E in the (p)over-right-arrow((gamma)over-right-arrow, pi(+))n reaction up to 2.25 GeV, L. El Fassi, K. Hafidi, C. I. Moody, and K. A. Griffioen


Multiscale Monte Carlo equilibration: Pure Yang-Mills theory, Michael G. Endres, William Detmold, Andrew V. Pochinsky, and Kostas Orginos


Polarization Transfer in Wide-Angle Compton Scattering and Single-Pion Photoproduction from the Proton, C. Fanelli, G. Salme, E. Cisbani, A. Kelleher, M. Meziane, L. Pentchev, and C. F. Perdrisat


Measurement of the EMC effect in the deuteron, K. A. Griffioen, J. Arrington, M. E. Christy, and N. Kalantarians


Covariant spectator theory of np scattering: Deuteron quadrupole moment, Franz Gross and Franz Gross


Hadron mass corrections in semi-inclusive deep-inelastic scattering, J. V. Guerrero, A. Accardi, J. J. Ethier, and J. J. Ethier


Precise determination of the deuteron spin structure at low to moderate Q(2) with CLAS and extraction of the neutron contribution, N. Guler, S. E. Kuhn, Y. Prok, R. G. Fersch, P. Bosted, and K. A. Griffioen


A parallel dipole line system, Oki Gunawan, Yudistira Virgus, Yudistira Virgus, and Kong Fai Tai


Universal parametrization of thermal photon rates in hadronic matter, Matthew Heffernan, Paul Hohler, Ralf Rapp, and Matthew Heffernan


Separated response functions in exclusive, forward pi(+/-) electroproduction on deuterium, G. M. Huber, C. Butuceanu, E. J. Beise, C. Armstrong, M. K. Jones, L. Pentchev, and C. Perdrisat


Modification of electronic structure in compressively strained vanadium dioxide films, T. J. Huffman, Peng Xu, A. J. Hollingshad, M. M. Qazilbash, and et al.


Precision Measurements of A^n1 in the Deep Inelastic Regime, Jefferson Lab Hall A Collaboration and Todd Averett


Electron/muon specific two Higgs doublet model at e(+)e(-) colliders, Aria R. Johansen and Marc Sher


Cross Sections for the Exclusive Photon Electroproduction on the Proton and Generalized Parton Distributions, H. S. Jo, M. Guidal, S. Niccolai, and K. A. Griffioen


Impurity-Induced Bound States in Superconductors with Spin-Orbit Coupling, Younghyun Kim, Junhua Zhang, E. Rossi, and Roman M. Lutchyn


Electron-phonon coupling and exchange-correlation effects in superconducting H3S under high pressure, Matej Komelj and Henry Krakauer


Measurement of the doubly-polarized He-3((gamma)over-right-arrow, n)pp reaction at 16.5 MeV and its implications for the GDH sum rule, G. Laskaris, X. Yan, J. M. Mueller, and Todd Averett


Physics 201: Modern Physics, Jamie Leach and Marc T. Sher


Solutions of the Two-Dimensional Hubbard Model: Benchmarks and Results from a Wide Range of Numerical Algorithms, J. P. F. LeBlanc, Andrey E. Antipov, Emanuel Gull, Mingpu Qin, Hao Shi, and Shiwei Zhang


Single neutral pion production by charged-current (nu)over-bar(mu) interactions on hydrocarbon at < E-nu >=3.6 GeV, T. Le, R. D. Ransome, B. G. Tice, L. Aliaga, J. Devan, M. Kordosky, J. K. Nelson, A. Norrick, and D. Zhang


Neutron calibration sources in the Daya Bay experiment, J. Liu, R. Carr, D. A. Dwyer, and R. D. McKeown


Phase transition in bulk single crystals and thin films of VO2 by nanoscale infrared spectroscopy and imaging, Mengkun Liu, Aaron J. Sternbach, (...), M. M. Qazilbash, and et al.


Quantum Monte Carlo Calculations in Solids with Downfolded Hamiltonians, Fengjie Ma, Wirawan Purwanto, Shiwei Zhang, and Henry Krakauer


Search for baryon-number and lepton-number violating decays of Lambda hyperons using the CLAS detector at Jefferson Laboratory, M. E. McCracken, A. S. Biselli, C. A. Meyer, and K. A. Griffioen


Modeling detachment physics in the NSTX snowflake divertor, E. T. Meier, V. A. Soukhanovskii, and A. G. McLean


Vertically-Oriented Graphene Electric Double Layer Capacitor Designs, John R. Miller, John R. Miller, and Ronald A. Outlaw


Quantification of Periodic Breathing in Premature Infants, Mary A. Mohr, Karen D. Fairchild, Manisha Patel, et al., and John B. Delos


Very Long Apnea Events in Preterm Infants, Mary A. Mohr, Brooke D. Vergales, Hoshik Lee, et al., and John B. Delos


Locally smeared operator product expansions in scalar field theory, Christopher J. Monahan and Kostas Orginos


Imaginary time density-density correlations for two-dimensional electron gases at high density, M. Motta, D. E. Galli, S. Moroni, and E. Vitali


B - > Dl nu form factors at nonzero recoil and extraction of vertical bar V-cb vertical bar, Heechang Na, Chris Monahan, Chris M. Bouchard, and G. Peter Lepage


Direct observation of quark-hadron duality in the free neutron F-2 structure function, I. Niculescu, G. Niculescu, W. Melnitchouk, and K. A. Griffioen


Excess optical quantum noise in atomic sensors, Irina Novikova, Eugeniy E. Mikhailov, Yanhong Xiao, and Yanhong Xiao


Two nucleon systems at m(pi) similar to 450 MeV from lattice QCD, Kostas Orginos, Assumpta Parreño, Martin J. Savage, Silas R. Beane, and et al.


Precision measurements of A1N in the deep inelastic regime, Diana S. Parno, David Flay, Matthew Posik, Kalyan C. Allada, Whitney Armstrong, Todd Averett, Fatiha Benmokhtar, William Bertozzi, Alexandre Camsonne, Mustafa Canan, Gordon D. Cates, Chunhua Chen, Jian-Ping Chen, Sunghyun Choi, Eugene Chudakov, Francesco Cusanno, Mark M. Dalton, Wouter Deconick, Kees W. de Jager, Xiaochao Deng, Alexandre Deur, Chiranjib Dutta, Lamiaa El Fassi, Gregg B. Franklin, Megan Friend, Haiyan Gao, Franco Garibaldi, Shalev Gilad, Ronald Gilman, Oleksandr Glamazdin, Serkan Golge, Javier Gomez, Lei Guo, Ole Hansen, Douglas W. Higenbotham, Timothy Holmstrom, Jacob Huang, Charles Hyde, Hassan F. Ibrahim, Xiaodong Jiang, Ge Jin, Joseph Katich, Aidan Kelleher, Ameya Kolarkar, Wolfgang Korsch, Gerfried Kumbartzki, John J. LeRose, Richard Lindgren, Nilanga Liyanage, Elena Long, Alex Lukhanin, Vahe Mamyan, Dustin McNulty, Zein-Eddine Meziani, Robert Michaels, Miha Mihovilovic, Bryan Moffit, Navaphon Muangma, Sirish Nanda, Amrendra Narayan, Vladimir Nelyubin, Blaine Norum, Nuruzzaman Nuruzzaman, Yoomin Oh, Jen-Chieh Peng, Xin Qian, Yi Qiang, Abdurahim Rakhman, Seamus Riordan, Arun Saha, Bradley Sawatzky, Mitra H. Shabestari, Albert Shahinyan, Simon Širca, Patricia Solvignon, Ramesh Subedi, Vincent Sulkosky, William A. Tobias, Wolfgang Troth, Diancheng Wang, Youcai Wang, Bogdan Wojtsekhowski, Xinhu Yan, Huan Yao, Yunxiu Ye, Zhihong Ye, Lulin Yuan, Xiaohui Zhan, Li Zhang, Yawei Zhang, Bo Zhao, and Xiaochao Zheng


Precision measurements of A(1)(n) in the deep inelastic regime, D. S. Parno, F. Benmokhtar, G. B. Franklin, Todd Averett, J. Katich, A. Kelleher, H. Yao, and B. Zhao


Single and double spin asymmetries for deeply virtual Compton scattering measured with CLAS and a longitudinally polarized proton target, S. Pisano, M. Mirazita, S. Anefalos Pereira, P. Bosted, and K. A. Griffioen


Kondo effect and non-Fermi-liquid behavior in Dirac and Weyl semimetals, Alessandro Principi, Giovanni Vignale, Alessandro Principi, and E. Rossi


An auxiliary-field quantum Monte Carlo study of the chromium dimer, Wirawan Purwanto, Shiwei Zhang, and Henry Krakauer


Effect of inhomogeneities and substrate on the dynamics of the metal-insulator transition in VO2 thin films, M. Rodriguez-Vega, M. T. Simons, E. Radue, R. A. Lukaszew, I. Novikova, E. Rossi, S. Kittiwatanakul, J. Lu, and S. A. Wolf


FFLO order in ultra-cold atoms in three-dimensional optical lattices, Peter Rosenberg, Simone Chiesa, and Shiwei Zhang


Longitudinal Target-Spin Asymmetries for Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering, E. Seder, K. Joo, W. Gohn, P. Bosted, and K. A. Griffioen


Ground-state properties of strongly interacting Fermi gases in two dimensions, Hao Shi, Simone Chiesa, and Shiwei Zhang


Development of high-performance alkali-hybrid polarized He-3 targets for electron scattering, Jaideep T. Singh, P. A. M. Dolph, W. A. Tobias, Todd Averett, and A. Kelleher


Moments of the neutron g(2) structure function at intermediate Q(2), P. Solvignon, K. Slifer, B. Ma, Todd Averett, A. Kelleher, K. Kramer, B. Moffit, and V. Sulkosky


Many-body instabilities and mass generation in slow Dirac materials, Christopher Triola, Alexander V. Balatsky, Jian-Xin Zhu, and Jian-Xin Zhu


Spectroscopy of Li-9(Lambda) by electroproduction, G. M. Urciuoli, F. Cusanno, S. Marrone, T. K. Holmstrom, B. Moffit, C. F. Perdrisat, and V. A. Sulkosky